When Time vs. Money what happens to safety? By Ron Perrin
Everyone wants a value. However, when hiring a high risk contractor like a water tower inspector or commercial diver to clean a potable water storage tank the best value may not always be the low bid.
Safety takes time. When too much focus is on the lowest possible bid, safety takes a hit. I recently saw a bid to clean two inches of sediment from a 2 MG Ground Storage Tank. With multiple bidders saying that the cleaning time would be from 7 hrs to 2 days, the winning bid claimed that they would spend only 4.5 hrs. cleaning the tank and they could do it for half the cost of other reputable companies that claimed it would take much more time.
It takes time to safely deploy a potable water dive crew. It takes time to wash divers and equipment down with a chlorine solution. It takes time to remove 2 inches of sediment from a tank that is probably 82 feet across. After the tank is clean it takes time to deploy an underwater video system to document that the tank is in fact completely clean. A “after cleaning video” should start at the ladder and tour the entire tank without a cut. If this step is missed and the only proof is a series of start and stop helmet cam shots of the cleaning process half or more of the tank could have been ignored. Of the five contractors that bid on this project the only one who did not bid enough time to actually do the work is the one who was awarded the job.
We are seeing this more and more across the country. When hiring a contractor to do anything the price should not be the only factor you look at. Your great value may not get the end results you are looking for.
We continue to put safety first allowing our people to have the time they need to do a job completely without being rushed. It is really about common sense, but you may be ordered by your employer to take the lowest bid. If you suspect the diving company hired to clean your water storage facility simply did not put the time in to get the job done there is a quick way to check up on them. Our warranty inspection has been used for years to check the work of painting contractors now we are extending this service to tank cleaning contractors as well.
Our “Warranty Inspection” uses a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) to get a good look at underwater conditions. The vehicle can maneuver throughout the tank to get a close look at newly painted walls or recently cleaned floors. We offer this service at extremely low rates. Now you do not need to wonder. We recommend this inspection immediately after tanks have been cleaned to confirm the work was done properly before payment is made to suspect diving contractors. If you are checking on a painting contract we suggest you wait 4 to 6 months before performing the inspection allowing time to see newly formed corrosion on the underwater areas.
Call our office at 817-377-4899 and ask for our warranty inspection special. For more information see: www.watertankinspection.com