When is it Time to Scale Up?
When you start seeing signs that your business is ready for the next step, then you can take it up a notch already.?Small or emerging businesses account for?44%?of US economic activity and contribute two-thirds of new jobs. There is a high failure rate so having the chance to scale up needs to be precise and well-executed.
When a company scales up too soon and too fast, it makes itself vulnerable to a menu of problems that can disrupt the high sales streak. According to statistics, small businesses usually fail in their 4thyear due to the cost of quick expansion. In this article, Estel explains when is the right time to scale up and what you need to have before doing it.
When is the right time to scale up?
Your business might misunderstand a one-time off the sales chart to expansion but it’s not.?Consider scaling up when your company has the following things
Stable cash flow
The lack of funding is the main reason businesses close up in that crucial four years. Scaling up will cost money and you need to check if your current cash flow can sustain keeping the business on. This can help you forecast properly and how much to spend before losing money This way you can be financially safe whether the projects for scaling up will take a longer time.?
Repeatedly surpassing financial goals and previous numbers
When your success is repeated and you know what is your winning formula for creating sales. This ensures that you understand why you are doing well and how you can keep doing that. By this, you will know what area you need to develop and grow and can lay the foundation for your research for scaling up.
Established brand and identity
When you have pinned down your business’s core values, culture and brand identity, then you can scale up without losing what made you successful to begin with. Your company’s vision and mission can help develop what client experience you want, what team culture you need to develop and what product to further deliver to your target market.