When is the Time for Resilience Action?
Judith Rodin
Chair of the Board, Prodigy Finance | President Emerita, University of Pennsylvania
As flooding rages through North Carolina, did you know that in 2012 the North Carolina Legislature, thanks to ferocious lobbying by the real estate and building industry and state rep Pat McElraft, passed a bill that BARRED! policymakers and developers from using up-to-date climate science to plan for rising sea levels on the coast? As President of the Rockefeller Foundation I led the foundation’s responses in New Orleans after Katrina and New York after Sandy and saw first hand the enormous cost to human life, personal catastrophe and economic toll these disasters can wreak.
In my book, The Resilience Dividend, I show that crisis has become the new normal. From hurricanes and tsunamis to terrorist and cyber attacks to oil spills, the escalating number of natural and man made disasters should be galvanizing a huge public outcry and reciprocal political response. In 2017 alone, the US government incurred $300 billion in damages, a record amount. But while we watch the images of devastation in shocked horror, we are not pressuring our lawmakers to take measures to protect us before devastation hits. And is each of us doing enough on our own? The ways to build resilience, the capacity to prepare more effectively and rebound more quickly from crisis, are now well known. Not every disruption has to become a disaster. And according to The National Institute of Building Sciences, every dollar spent on mitigation saves the US government alone an average of $6 dollars in recovery costs.
We all need a new mindset, in our government, our businesses and in our personal lives. We should now all be well aware that from our Facebook accounts to our bank accounts and credit cards, we are not resilient and remain unprotected. Remember the Target breach, which affected between 70 and 100 million people and think about this the next time you shop in a store or online: a study by Verizon Enterprise Solutions found that retail companies discover their own breaches early enough only 5% of the time. The time for #resilience action is now.
And as for the mercy of your Allah [generously shown to you], then tell [about it to others, encourage them and inspire them]! 93:11
6 年фотокомментарий: море по колени?
Tell truth, and shame the devil
6 年Climate Change and global warming denier America is going to face worst ever environmental upheavals between 2020-2025.
Senior Strategic Advisor - Government Business ?? Business Development Executive ?? Senior Government Contracting Administrator ?? Process Improvement Leader ?? Trusted Business Partner
6 年I think we have to assess this issue from the prospective of common sense and dismiss all of the political rhetoric. Each of us have a voice and a vote and we must choose to exercise both if we want things to change. Judith, thank you for your work in this area. Your effort will shed light on this serious issue.?
Blockchain enthusiast, trader, translator and journalist
6 年Many thanks Judith for bringing those uncomfortable and I believe delibarately omitted in the general discussion facts. I'm going to read your book to boost my knowledg on this topic. Politicians' short-sightedness is deplorable; it's a pity that these days very few people know about such initiatives as the Club of Rome. This is a common cause that needs to be followed worldwide. https://www.clubofrome.org
Planner. Landscape Architectural Designer
6 年This is Where Poor US Leadership has Lead US to! PATHETIC! This Could have been avoided however, Greed, Ego, Selfish men & HACKING has lead US to Forecast: D.I.S.A.S.T.E.R! Solution; MORE WOMEN in CONGRESS!?