When is it Time to Change Your Career?

When is it Time to Change Your Career?

It's not always easy to know if you should stay in the same job or take on a new one. There are so many factors that go into making this decision, from emotional and mental wellbeing to salary and financial stability.

Furthermore, people don't like change; it's been ingrained in us since the days of our ancient ancestors. Even if we know a new job will be beneficial for our career path or income, we may still have an aversion to change because of the uncertainty involved.

Effects and Consequences of the Wrong Job

When is it time to change your career? It's a question we should all consider, at least from time to time. Making a major shift in a career can be daunting. For many of us, a sense of self-worth and overall stability are tied up in our current job. However, it's essential to be open-minded and assess the pros and cons of staying in the current position.

After all, recent surveys have found that around 33.33% (one in three) UK employees are unhappy (Indeed Work Happiness Score survey).

If a job doesn't line up with what we envisioned and prepared ourselves for, this dissatisfaction can be extremely draining, impacting overall energy levels and motivation towards day-to-day tasks.

Furthermore, staying in an unsuitable job can have considerable consequences for our mental health and wellbeing. It can also lead to undesirable changes in our personal and family relationships. Equally, stress spikes caused by a lack of personal satisfaction with a job could affect one's physical condition; troubled sleep or concentration deficiency has the potential to manifest due to years of feeling overwhelmed emanating from the job arena.

Warning Signs Indicating It's Time to Make a Change

But how do we know that now might be the right time for some kind of professional transition?

The warning signs may not always be loud and clear. Often, people make excuses and come up with reasons why they shouldn't make a move. However, we must take time to identify clear indicators that signify it is time to make a career change - warning signs which suggest that one should reflect on the situation and evaluate alternatives.

Making a career change can be a challenging prospect, but it can also be an exciting opportunity to explore a new field, gain valuable experience and push yourself further in your professional life. For many of us, it may not be our first thought when faced with an unsatisfying job or when we feel stuck in our current position. However, there are certain signs that indicate that it might be the right time to consider making a move.?

Let's explore some common signs that it may be time for you to pause, reflect and re-evaluate your current job.

Feeling Demotivated & Nostalgic

If you find yourself constantly daydreaming at work or the thought of going to work fills you with dread, these may be warning signals. Similarly, if you're feeling bored or unchallenged by your job, this may indicate dissatisfaction. This dissatisfaction could lead to feelings of demotivation or apathy if ignored over a period of time. Feeling uninspired or being nostalgic for the good times when you felt more passionate about your work, could also be a red flag. Equally, if you're constantly stressed, overwhelmed or unappreciated in your current role, then it may be beneficial to review other options available to you. There's no need for anyone to stay stuck in an unfulfilling job when there are so many ways to develop your skills and knowledge.

Bad Relationships in the Workplace

Bad relationships in the workplace can have a significant impact on your morale, wellbeing, and performance. Unhealthy relationships with colleagues can lead to feelings of isolation and loneliness in the workplace which can be counterproductive to an individual's job satisfaction and overall productivity. Poor relationships among the team members or line managers can create an environment of distrust, resulting in decreased motivation, low engagement and lack of collaboration. If you find yourself constantly at odds with other people, it may be time to re-evaluate and re-assess whether this job is right for you.

Impossible to Progress from Current Role

Another key indicator that it may be time to consider making a move is feeling bored, unchallenged or stagnant in your current job role.

If you've been in the same position for an extended period of time without any major changes or advancements, you feel like there's no room for growth or development, or that you've outgrown your position, then it's worth exploring other options. It's important not to make any decisions impulsively when considering a big career move though; take some time to do research and reflection, as well as review the pros and cons of staying in your current job versus making a change. This could mean looking for advancement opportunities within your current company or exploring other options outside the organisation altogether. Either way, it is important to take stock of where you are now and what kind of growth potential there is for you.

Toxic Working Environment & Unhealthy Company Culture

A toxic working environment can often stem from an unhealthy company culture which can include gossiping colleagues, favouritism for certain employees, passive-aggressive behaviour or bad leadership practices uninspiring trust. It causes distrust among employees, reduces collaboration and communication, leading to detrimental consequences such as a lack of innovation and growth. If any of these ring true within your current organisation – and occur often enough then it might be worth self-reflect and asking yourself whether the organisation is the right fit for you.

Company Goals Are Not Aligned

Finally, it's also worth looking at whether your values align with those of your current employer - if what matters most to you differs from the company ethos or if your job no longer fits into your lifestyle or values as they have changed over time, then this could be an indication that it's time for a change of scene. Whether this means looking for more flexible hours due to family commitments or wanting something more meaningful from your career than what you are currently doing—it could mean exploring other paths towards finding something better suited for who you are now compared with who you were when you started working there initially.


Making changes in life can often feel scary, but sometimes necessary steps must be taken in order for us to move forward and grow professionally. It is important not to neglect any warning signs.

Therefore taking the step towards self-reflection and re-evaluation should always be viewed as positive rather than overwhelming; thereby allowing us all chances at unlocking greater fulfilment professionally and personally. Being open-minded is key - so explore all possibilities before deciding what's best for you!

Holly Sindelar ??

Area Eldercare Advisor serving St. Peters, Troy, and Washington, MO.

1 年

Love this and I'm currently experiencing most of the signs laid out in this article. Very well composed and accurate.

Nandha gopal.T

General Manager at LOYAL TEXTILE MILLS LTD -Garment Division

1 年

Nicely expressed

