What If Things Went Wrong: Pathways under Updated DOJ Corporate Enforcement Policy

What If Things Went Wrong: Pathways under Updated DOJ Corporate Enforcement Policy

We alerted US Department of Justice (DOJ)’s “all-tool approach” under the revamped corporate enforcement policy released in January to deter and prosecute culpable individuals, redeem troubled corporations, safeguard voluntary, fulsome disclosure and effective cooperation and remediation (“Revised CEP”).[1] [2]?Through diagrams below, this note illustrates the possible pathways to facilitate decision-makers and their counsels and officers to navigate the regulatory complexity in risk assessment and risk/return determination.?


Overall, voluntary self-disclosure (along with full cooperation and remediation) presents the “clearest path” to avoid a guilty plea or an indictment against historical misconducts unaddressed, from the enforcement perspective.


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What are the primary possibilities and consequences under the revised CEP? We illustrate as follows:


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Below are further details of the pathways and consequences:


1.????Path 1: Voluntary Self-Disclosure (VSD) w/ Full Cooperation and Effective Remediation (“Path 1”)


This pathway will likely qualify the company in question for a presumptive declination under the revised Policy, if such company surrenders all disgorgement, forfeiture, and/or undertakes restitution resulting from the misconduct at issue. ?DOJ will coordinate with “other authority (who) collects disgorgement, forfeiture, and/or restitution,” pursuant to the Department’s Policy on Coordination of Corporate Resolution Penalties in Parallel and/or Joint Investigations and Proceedings Arising from the Same Misconduct, Justice Manual 1-12.100.

如果企业缴纳所有罚金、上缴非法所得和/或采取针对不当行为“恢复原状”(restitution)的措施,那么该路径的结果是企业有望获得根据修订后的公司执法政策获得(酌定)不起诉的资格。美国司法部将根据该部《关于在平行和/或联合执法调查和诉讼中对同一不当行为引起的企业解决处罚的协调政策》,即《司法手册》1-12.100,与 “其他监管部门(即其他追缴、罚没和/或要求恢复原状的执法机构”进行协调。

The exception to this pathway is the existence of “aggravating circumstances involving the seriousness of the offense or the nature of the offender.”?Pursuant to the Monaco Memo, aggravating factors include “grave threat to national security” or “deeply pervasive” misconducts; factual factors impacting determination of the pervasiveness include ignorance by senior management or corporate culture that does not encourage open discussion & reporting).


2.????Path 2: Aggravating Circumstances arising from Historical Issues Identified under Path 1 While Extraordinary Cooperation Exists (“Path 2”)


Although aggravating circumstances disqualify a company from the presumption of a declination, DOJ “may nonetheless determine that a declination is an appropriate outcome” if the company demonstrates to the Criminal Division that its actions constitute “extraordinary cooperation.”?The following factors must all be satisfied to prove such “extraordinary cooperation:”

尽管加重情形将使该等企业丧失被推定为酌定不起诉的资格,但美国司法部授权检察官如下裁量权,即企业若能向刑事司证明其行动构成“卓越合作”,他们“仍可确定拒绝起诉是一个适当的结果”。 企业要证明其符合“特别合作”的条件,必须满足如下所有要素:

?????The VSD was made immediately upon the company becoming aware of the allegation of misconduct;


?????At the time of the misconduct and disclosure, the company had an effective compliance program and system of internal accounting controls, which enabled the identification of the misconduct and led to the company’s voluntary self-disclosure; and


?????The company provided extraordinary cooperation with the Department’s investigation and undertook extraordinary remediation that exceeds the respective factors listed under the revised CEP.


3.????Path 3: Aggravating Circumstances arising from Path 1, Yet Efforts Not Deemed as Extraordinary Cooperation (“Path 3”)


The extraordinary cooperation requirement is significant, exceptional incentive available to only companies that demonstrate to the satisfaction of the enforcement authorities.?Under Path 3, failure to prove extraordinary cooperation still permits reduced penalty in the event a criminal resolution is warranted. Such reduced penalty will be “at least 50% and up to a 75% reduction off of the low end of the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines (U.S.S.G.) fine range.” (As an exception, in the case of a criminal recidivist; and, such reduction will be “generally not be from the low end of the U.S.S.G. fine range,” and prosecutors will have case-specific discretion to determine (“Recidivist Leniency Exception”).)


The outcome will “generally not require a corporate guilty plea—including for criminal recidivists—absent the presence of particularly egregious or multiple aggravating circumstances” under the revised CEP.


Monitor may be imposed in such situation, however, in the criminal resolution, unless the company “has, at the time of resolution, demonstrated that it has implemented and tested an effective compliance program and remediated the root cause of the misconduct.”


In the same spirit, the Monaco Memo underlying the revised CEP also tightens intra-DOJ scrutiny and oversight to grant a NPA/DPA commonly pursued, by stressing that:


“Multiple non-prosecution or deferred prosecution agreements (NPA/DPA) are generally disfavored, especially where the matters at issue involve similar types of misconduct; the same personnel, officers, or executives; or the same entities. Before making a corporate resolution offer that would result in multiple non-prosecution or deferred prosecution agreements for a corporation (including its affiliated entities), Department prosecutors must secure the written approval of the responsible U.S. Attorney or Assistant Attorney General and provide notice to the Office of the Deputy Attorney General (ODAG) in the manner set forth in JM § 1-14.000. Notice provided to ODAG pursuant to JM § 1-14.000 must be made at least 10 business days prior to the issuance of an offer to the corporation, except in extraordinary circumstances.”


4.????Path 4: No VSD, But Full Cooperation and Effective Remediation


DOJ still provides leniency nonetheless in such situation.?Moreover, the reduced penalty is “twice the maximum amount of a reduction available under the prior version of the CEP.”?The Criminal Division will recommend to a sentencing court, up to a 50% reduction off of the low end of the U.S.S.G. fine range. ?Recidivist Leniency Exception also applies.


5.????Path 5: No VSD, No or Deficient Cooperation and Remediation


The recent enforcement against Glencore exemplifies the consequence for such pathway —a criminal resolution in the form of plea agreement that includes $1.5bn criminal penalties, forfeiture, restitution, and imposition of a monitor.[3]


There, DOJ spoke out that “the company only received a minimal reduction for cooperation and remediation under the CEP because of late and incomplete cooperation and failure to take adequate, timely disciplinary measures with respect to certain personnel involved in, or aware of, the criminal conduct—which was pervasive.”[4]


Outlook / To-dos 展望/跟进

These prioritized elements aim to deter risky behavior and foster a culture of compliance, and “seek to potentially shift the burden of corporate financial penalties away from shareholders—who in many cases do not have a role in misconduct—onto those more directly responsible.”



Key to establish full (if not extraordinary) cooperation lies in the “immediacy, consistency, degree, and impact—that apply to cooperation by both individuals.”


Equally important, compliance with local blocking statutes (e.g., those under China and EU) and ensuring cross-border enforcement cooperation under UN Anti-bribery Convention must be weighted in in such determination.?This note is not substitute to legal advice and experienced counsels must be sought to undertake the right, responsible pathway.



Note: The contents of this newsletter are the author(s)’ individual responsibility, and do not necessarily represent the views of any company / organization or any of its members. Due to the general nature of its contents, this newsletter is not and should not be regarded as legal advice. No specific action is to be taken on the information provided without prior consultation with your trustworthy counsel(s).        

[1] U.S. Dep’t of Justice, “Corporate Enforcement and Voluntary Self-Disclosure Policy” (Jan. 17, 2023) (“revised Corporate Enforcement Policy”), https://www.justice.gov/opa/speech/file/1562851/download

[2] Yi Wang, Enforcement Policy Stresses Effective Compliance Programs Must Be Follow-through and Prevent Circumvention (Jan. 1, 2023), https://mind-re.org/2023/01/01/surface-or-hide-it-enforcement-policy-stresses-effective-compliance-programs-must-be-follow-throurgh-and-prevent-circumvention/.

[3] Plea Agreement, United States v. Glencore International A.G. (May 24, 2022), https://www.justice.gov/criminal/file/1508266/download.

[4] U.S. Dep’t of Justice, “Assistant Attorney General Kenneth A. Polite, Jr. Delivers Remarks on Revisions to the Criminal Division’s Corporate Enforcement Policy” (Jan. 17, 2023), https://www.justice.gov/opa/speech/assistant-attorney-general-kenneth-polite-jr-delivers-remarks-georgetown-university-law.


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