When things go 'wrong'...
Hulya Erdal
??Nourishing your soul, Nurturing your spirit - Taking you on a Culinary Journey of Self-Discovery | LinkedIn Top Voice??| Chef ????| Coach ??| BBC Radio Personality ??| ??Ambassador - The Burnt Chef Project??
In other words when your best laid plans take another turn!
What we all know to be true is that life is fluid and nothing stays the same. What goes up must come down. The sun shines, it rains, the night falls and so on.
Even though we are fully aware of the world's movement and changes, it's still a shock for some when things they wanted to happen don't quite turn out the way they expected.
I write my newsletter every Monday. It's supposed to be a weekly thing but the last two weeks have been incredibly hectic and on this occasion, the priority of putting out a message to my audience fell to the side.
I felt bad about not showing up on LinkedIn fully and present for the last two weeks but in the end, I had to concede to work pressures and the build up to a big trip abroad that I'd been planning for a long time.
I am writing my newsletter from Cyprus. This is my country of heritage and I haven't been back for 5 years due to various personal experiences such as divorce, selling my home, moving to a new town and prioritising the growth of my business. And of course, coming back 'home' has a price tag that to be honest, I just didn't have the funds for!
Getting here didn't come without it's hiccups!
We got caught up in the whole outage problem across the world, so our Easyjet flight that was meant to take off on Sunday 21st, got cancelled, literally as we were about to board the flight!
I found the whole experience quite stressful, if I'm totally honest, mostly because I'd not experienced this kind of thing before! And yes, I CRIED! Real tears!
Easyjet were very good though, I must say, and we were immediately able to book ourselves another flight, obviously with no charge. However, we couldn't go till Wednesday and had to fly to a different airport in Cyprus!
This left us with a 2 day gap filler. Instead of worrying about it though, or dwelling on the situation, we made the best of it and went to visit my sister, with all of our luggage and paraphenalia! Me and my 3 adult kids! Thank goodness for family!
Every Cloud Has A Silver Lining...
In Turkish we have a saying, "Her bir olmayan bir isde bir hayir var" which translated means that in anything that doesn't work out, there's a benefit.
The kids had fun with their little cousins, I spent time with my sister and I got a little bit of work done.
We made the best of what could have escalated into a very annoying, frustrating situation.
It's Out Of Your Control...
"Accept the things you cannot change, have the courage to change the things you can and the wisdom to know the difference."
This is a simplified version of Reinhold Niebuhr's Serenity Prayer.
Accept that you can't change the past...
When sh*t happens, spending precious time mulling over the past, will just stop you from living and enjoying the present.
Acceptance is acknowledging what happened. Making peace with the past.
Then learning from the experience and moving forward without it sitting within you.
We can't change the past but we can learn to accept it and pledge to release it.
Accept that some things will always be out of your control...
Even the most prepared and planned projects can experience adversities.
Accepting that something has happened is a first step to success.
Look for a solution to the problem, seeking the help of others.
Maybe this was how it was meant to be in the first place.
Taking an open mind and spiritual perspective helps.
Be willing to change things that are past their sell by date...
"What go you here, won't get you there." Marshall Goldsmith.
As Goldsmith famously wrote, what brought you to the place you are at now, isn't necessarily what's going to get you to where you would like to be.
Likewise, if you keep doing the same thing and expecting a different result, it just isn't going to happen.
There are many things we can have the courage to change, these include our own personal behaviours towards others, our mindset on life, our mental health, our physical health and so on.
Remember, everything has a solution and nothing is unchangeable.
Even if the solution is as simple as letting it go and moving on.
Final Thoughts...
1. Be prepared to accept things that have happened and are out of your control to change.
Ranting and raving over an already 'done' scenario will only increase your blood pressure!
Take a step back, breathe, and then look for a solution that works for everyone.
Sometimes you have to compromise, FACT.
2. Be corageous enough to make changes in your life.
Making changes brings growth.
Don't be afraid to do different!
Be authentically YOU!
#courage #change #acceptance
I'd love to hear about your acceptance and change stories!
A problem shared is a problem halved.
Sharing is caring!
?Hi I'm Hulya.?
? For the past 20 years I've been delivering culinary training, mentoring and coaching globally, to everyone aged 8 to 80.
?? I am a certified transformational coach and professional chef and teacher.
?? I work with midlife women to help them rewrite their story, one recipe at a time,? because their old story no longer fits the life they want to live.
???? Merging the power of cooking and transformational coaching, I take clients on a journey of self-discovery, giving them the tools and skills to live authentically.
? Are you ready to rewrite your story???
Sharing a daily insight into Hospitality Leadership & Strategy I The most meaningful way to lead is to help others lead I Hospitality Titan Board Member I Co-author of Culture Club monthly article for Countertalk
7 个月Welcome back!.....thanks for this, wise words and great reminder. Hope home was/is lush. X
??Nourishing your soul, Nurturing your spirit - Taking you on a Culinary Journey of Self-Discovery | LinkedIn Top Voice??| Chef ????| Coach ??| BBC Radio Personality ??| ??Ambassador - The Burnt Chef Project??
7 个月As Eckhart Tolle says, even if the waves are crashing above sea level and things are crazy, down under sea level things are still calm. This is your life, you can choose to stay calm during adversities or explode like the waves above. It's not easy, I accept this, and it take practice, but in the long term, it will serve you well.
??Nourishing your soul, Nurturing your spirit - Taking you on a Culinary Journey of Self-Discovery | LinkedIn Top Voice??| Chef ????| Coach ??| BBC Radio Personality ??| ??Ambassador - The Burnt Chef Project??
7 个月Life has a funny way of smacking you in the chops just when you least expect it! The thing is, it's how you decide to respond and manage things that makes all the difference. It's too easy to crawl under the duvet and hope it goes away. Likewise, it's too easy to make a big stink and get annoyed. The truth is, we can't change what's happened. We can only look to improve or find a solution.