When Things GO Wrong - Conflict Resolution in Practice!
Mark Jones (FAIPF) (MAITD) - "The Mentors Mentor"
Leadership and Business Strategist | Award Winning Business Coach | Mentor and Facilitator.
A compilation of theories and solutions...
Compiled by Mark Jones of Jenark Business Solutions
This white paper discusses how to manage conflicts that can arise in organisations, and looks at techniques for resolving them in an open, fair and transparent manner. Informal and formal conflict resolution procedures / processes are contained within the four pillars for effective conflict management, these techniques are contained within the framework below.
- Conflict and its causes
- Conflict resolution tools
- The prevention of conflict
- Formal procedures for managing Internal Conflicts
- Useful resources
“People aren’t perfect of course and won’t / don’t always say the ‘right’ thing sometimes not even intentionally. However our experience tells us that if people respect themselves, their neighbours and their community enough to work on resolving their differences and disputes, everyone wins.” - Community Justice Centres
1. Conflict and its causes
Conflict takes many forms... not always aggressive in nature, it can simply be a difference in values or beliefs. Many people try to avoid conflict at all costs, or tend to blame someone or something else for causing it. These typical responses do not resolve conflicts, they often make the situation worse.
We must remember though that conflict is a normal part of life and there are many issues that cause conflicts. Conflict may occur between employees, committee members, management teams, and clients of the organisation.
Conflict is a normal part of life…
If not resolved conflict can be highly destructive. However both individuals and management teams can take steps to avoid conflicts from arising in the workplace. The next five steps are common conflict situations.
Conflict can arise from misunderstanding about:
- The nature of the job
- Different expectations on how the job should be done
- Work conditions and wages
- The different responsibilities of management and employees
- Difference in beliefs and priorities
Poor Communication
Competent communication relies on clear and complete messages being sent and received between individuals. Potential conflicts can be reduced by attention to how messages are sent. Both worker and manager are responsible for ensuring that competent communication is practiced. There are many ways to improve the flow of information and communication.
Following are some suggestions.
? Keep message books / daily site diaries
? Maintain a policy register which identifies all relevant policies and operational procedures
? Hold regular staff and management meetings to discuss key issues
? Ensure correspondence is available for everyone (avoids the Water Cooler talk)
? Distribute minutes of all meetings promptly
? Ensure those who are given tasks report back to the full group
? Give everyone time to talk at meetings
? Let employees create / own / and champion solutions
? As a manager learn to ask the "right" questions and then try to spend more time listening and less time talking
Unclear communications from staff to clients is another common source of conflict. House rules must be clearly communicated to all stakeholders, with no variations and interpretations. Distressed and ill-informed clients can become quickly confused and angry.
Lack of planning
Lack of planning usually encourages a company to move from one crisis to the next. This lack of structure / strategy can be stressful and cause problems including disorganisation, distrust, loss of clients and new business opportunities. Any upfront time spent planning will be recouped many times over in more efficient use of resources and workers time.
Poor staff selection
From the outset poor selection of staff can also result in conflict. Often the wrong personality fit can cause friction within the existing employee base and negatively impact upon team dynamics. A key point here is that your people will only do two things within your business / team environment. They will either contribute too... or take away from ... business objectives / goals. It's important to get it right at the front end!
Dismissing the person involved in creating constant friction may further increase any ill will within the team. While most conflict problems can never be entirely avoided, they can be minimised with good staff selection and ensuring that your new employee is the right cultural fit. Take consideration of existing staff views when approaching staff selection, this may also help minimise conflict in the work force.
Frustration, stress and burnout
When people are frustrated they become irritable and often subconsciously cause conflict. It is important to recognise stress in peoples work life to prevent burnouts. Try to identify work related stress, and then try to change / minimise those contributing factors before they escalate, these factors could arise when there is:
? Threats of violence and / or actual violence
? Overcrowding of work spaces or lack of privacy
? Verbal abuse
? Dirty or untidy work space
? Consistent high levels of noise
? Harassment
? Continual crisis / reactionary work environment
? Tension between staff members
? Lack of direction and lack of consistency with management practices
? Constant criticism and lack of support
? Poor communications
2. Conflict Resolution
Understanding why conflict arises is the first step to dealing with it. Many people remain scared to repeat past conflict experiences, so they attempt to avoid or smooth over and hope festering issues will go away. Conflict is known as RED Zone activity, however if not managed effectively it sometimes incubates in the PINK Zone, this is a dangerous area where the underground (tea room and water cooler talk) manifests it self. In such circumstances, conflict build up and eventually explodes, sometimes leading to unconscious sabotage of work, which then subsequently makes resolution even harder to achieve.
If you identify a potential conflict problem in your organisation, there are steps, which may help to resolve the problem. Brainstorming as a team is a good tool in group situations, creation of a safe space for open and transparent dialogue, a chance to air individual and team feedback without criticism or concern as to whether an outcome is immediately achievable or not. This type of environment fosters trust and positivity within the team, enabling team members to have a voice, knowing their concerns are been listened too and the fact that they are effectively contributing to the solution.
The process of Brainstorming can also lead to innovative and creative solutions
Consider the services provided to clients (internally and externally) - both the actual service, and the way it is provided? How are these services impacted during periods of conflict? Can service delivery be made easier, and can staff still provide the quality of service required / expected? Ask the clients! Their feedback may contribute useful and innovative ideas.
In any conflict situation, think carefully about possible solutions, assess both the implications and consequences of preferred solutions. Ideally, start with the simple solutions first (Low hanging fruit). Start small and through the process of continuous improvement enable your team to tackle more challenging situations.
3. The Prevention of Conflict
Good managers recognise conflict and disputes as part of a healthy organisation. Often conflict, particularly when it’s managed well, can create exceptional learning opportunities for the broader organisation. Also a good manager will adopt some of the following to avoid potential and unnecessary conflicts:
? Arranging a separate room for tea making and facilities for staff
? Conduct and support the delivery of conflict management workshops
? Re-arranging hours and shifts to separate persons in conflict
? Facilitate strategic planning sessions to clarify aims and directions, delegating tasks to various staff members
? Provide meditation or relaxation sessions
? Offering time off in lieu within a week of serious conflict occurring
? Conducting regular performance assessments and reviews
? Prepare an induction package for new workers clearly communicating performance expectations and clarifying how issues such as conflict, harassment and bullying are managed within the organisation.
? Encouraging peer review at every level of the teams performance
? Regularly reviewing organisational aims and objectives with the involvement of ALL team members. ( Remember: People will support what they themselves create!)
4. A Creative Approach
It is possible to resolve conflicts so that all sides win? This is commonly termed as a win / win situation. This creative approach requires conflict resolution to be seen as a joint problem solving exercise ... not a battle.
The key point here is to ensure that the expectations and needs of both groups are known and shared openly so that a road map of the preferred destination / outcome can be created. If this win / win approach is adopted, conflicts may be resolved more easily and expeditiously than expected.
Don’t wait for a conflict to build up, make ground rules for engagement and deal with it as quickly as possible, as it is much easier to resolve a problem before it blows up and gets out of hand. The analogy of not making a mountain out of a molehill rings true here.
Conflict Mapping:
The technique known as “mapping the conflict” is about clarification and examination of the underlying needs, feelings, fears and anxieties of those who are involved. As a facilitator or conflict mediator it’s of paramount importance to try and keep raw emotion out of the ongoing conversations.
The following is an example on how the technique can work. Imagine a particular women’s refuge is having some problems. During school holiday’s employees usually bring their kids to work with them. Jill has worked at the refuge for 18 months and like the others, brings her children to work with her, but during the last holidays her kids were fighting with the resident kids. The mothers have become involved in defending the actions of their kids while the employees are starting to take sides.
Everyone agrees that the situation has become difficult. Accusations are being made and negative feelings have become a feature in the refuge. The employees have called a meeting of all the staff and residents in an effort to resolve the problem. It ends in a screaming match with three people in tears and one person storming off.
Conflict mapping is a constructive way of dealing with a problem.
Step 1
? Facilitate – the employees ask someone to be the facilitator (a person who is seen to be neutral in the conflict or an outsider. They don’t necessarily have to skilled in conflict management).
? The facilitator sets the scene by talking positively about the conflict, explaining possible “win / win” situations rather than “win / lose”. Everyone is therefore encouraged that the conflict will be resolved.
Step 2
? Mapping – The facilitator then draws up a map of the conflict on a white board with the features of the conflict summarised in the most neutral way possible. The correct use of language here is very important and cannot be judgemental.
? The main people involved in the conflict are listed with their needs and concerns written next to their names.
The following issues are important:
? Make sure you only list all the important issues.
? Map the needs of those entirely involved first.
? Then consider those not directly involved in the conflict but have become involved in the situation.
? For the minor parties list their major concerns. This helps everyone understand the emotional climate underlying the conflict.
Step 3
? Discussion – The map is then discussed. Areas of agreement where people have listed the same needs become obvious very quickly. People are able to see the concerns underneath the conflict. This helps ease the tension and the conflict is easier to resolve.
A map of the conflict would show:
? Most people want to resolve the conflict
? Jill takes extra time off during the holiday brake
? Most people have concerns, many of which are unfounded, Jill has concerns that she will lose her job
? The solutions appear to lie in dealing with needs of employees (especially Jill) for suitable childcare during the school holidays.
Step 4
Solution – everyone can brainstorm the search for solution. A list of possible solutions might include:
? No employees, children are allowed at refuge (except for emergencies)
? Jill may / should take time off during the holidays
? Children and the refuge are kept separate
? The refuge helps Jill find alternative child care and will negotiate with local Vacation Care Programs, etc
? Everyone works at getting the children to relate better
Some of these possible solutions might be acceptable, others not, but this list / process is worked through till everyone is happy. Once it is all on paper the areas are obvious and this helps people compromise on disagreements. This also gives space and importance to the expressing of feelings. This in itself helps people with their involvement.
The group now has total control of the conflict, rather than the conflict having control over them. The key here is to keep the conversation going until the group comes to a level of consensus.
The conversation isn’t over until the conversation is over!
- Susan Scott (Fierce Conversations)
As Ken Blanchard notes in his foreword Susan Scott’s book a course in conversations won't be found in an M.B.A. curriculum. But the key to real business success, according to author Susan Scott, is what she calls "fierce conversation," an honest, meaningful, authentic exchange between two people. Reminding us that "the conversation is the relationship," she counsels us to speak with clarity, conviction, and compassion yet demonstrating a willingness to hear and respect the persons points of view..
Step 5
? Policy Making – Once you have found the solutions, it may be wise to make a policy or a change in structure to prevent similar problems happening again in the future.
? In the case of our example it may mean writing a policy about how and when an employee’s children are allowed in the refuge. This should be done in an open forum (which includes Jill) and with a spirit that has no suggestion of blame or fault.
Step 6
? A trial evaluation period should be provided for the solution to make sure it is practical and really works. The best way to do this may be to try it out for a time given time period, and then review whether it has successfully resolved the problem. The key here is the regular communication and feedback.
This section focuses on disputes that occur internally, such as those between staff and management. The formal steps that follow outline how to develop formal procedures to work through internal conflicts within an organisation.
Step 1
? Policy – Ask lots of questions; consult with staff, clients and other organisations. Adopt some rules and policies regarding how disputes will be managed in your organisation. Write them down and make it known that these are the procedures to follow. Where appropriate include them in your employee handbook or as a component of the new employee induction process.
Some suggestions are:
? Disputes will be dealt with immediately
? Time must be made at management meetings, staff meetings, or staff client meetings to deal with disputes or a special meeting is called when and as required
? Disputes are dealt with at meetings following prescribed procedures
? The consumers of the service are protected at all times from the effects of the dispute.
? Complaints or grievance from people involved in the organisation are raised and dealt with, within the organisation as far as possible
? Decisions are made in the best interests of both the consumer and the organisation as a whole
? An outside, neutral person/ facilitator will be called in to work with the group to solve the dispute if all parties involved agree
Make sure everyone within the organisation is aware of your conflict resolution policy...
Step 2
Operational application - Once you have decided on some policy guidelines for conflict, you will need to decide on how to best put these into practice. Here are three possible options that can be used:
? “Conflicts” can become a regular management committee meeting agenda item, giving a formal opportunity to raise issues or eminent concerns. Alternatively, conflicts can be automatically referred to a management committee special meeting which can be set up to deal with issues as soon as they occur. These meetings deal with the issues according to agreed policies and procedures.
? A disputes contact person (mediator) is identified who is acceptable and accessible to everyone in the organisation. Their role can be limited to acting as first point of contact, or a wider role if deemed necessary. This person may attempt to resolve the dispute, but whatever is finally decided needs to be ratified or agreed to by the entire management committee. More formally; many larger organisations these days have an employee relations manager who has conflict mediation included in their portfolio.
? The management committee sets up a Disputes Sub-Committee. In a similar fashion to the contact person referred to above, this sub-committee has strict terms of reference and acts according to agreed policies and procedures. (This model is used widely within not-for-profit organisations where they are managed by a Board of Directors and an Executive Manager) When attempting to resolve a dispute, the subcommittee can be authorised either to make decisions or only to make recommendations, which would be agreed on by the whole management committee at a later date.
Develop clear procedures for putting your conflict resolution
policy into practice...
Step 3
Process - Having set up the policy framework which details the broad rules for dealing with conflicts, establish some procedures that the sub-committee, management committee or the contact person will follow. These have to be established to best suit your organisational structure, but the basic principles of justice should be included. Most organisations do not benefit from being run by a dictator, no matter how benevolent they may like to think they are!
The following issues need to be considered for inclusion:
? Fair and clear warnings; aligned to appropriate legislations or workplace agreements
? Clear lines of communication;
? Clear and democratic decision making;
? Appropriate time limits to articulate whatever you decide.
To develop procedures to deal with internal disputes, consider these questions:
? How is contact to be made by those involved in the dispute / complaint?
? Is it to be verbal or in writing?
? When is contact to be made regarding a dispute or complaint?
? Who is involved in the first attempt to resolve the dispute?
? How is this to be achieved?
? Does this involve all parties and if so together or separately?
? What are the desired outcomes for this first attempt to resolve the dispute?
These might be written or verbal warnings, compromises, written and signed contracts or recommended action or changes to policy
? How are changes to be reviewed at the end of the set period?
? If the first attempt to resolve the dispute fails entirely, what are the procedures involved in the second attempt to resolve the dispute?
? How is the second attempt conducted?
? What are the possible outcomes of this second attempt to resolve the dispute?
? What appeal structure should be set up, if required?
It is important to set out your formal processes for conflict management clearly in writing. Your process might look something like the following example.
If a dispute arises:
? The staff are authorised by the contact person, sub-committee or committee to make the first attempt to resolve it and a date (2 weeks) is established to see whether it has been solved;
? If the review (by sub-committee, contact person or committee) shows that it is not resolved, the second attempt to resolve the dispute is dealt with by the contact person, or the sub-committee or the management committee representatives.
A review date is set:
? If still unresolved, the dispute is taken to the management committee or to a general or special meeting for a decision.
? Appeals can occur within the wider management committee and involve outside representatives if any of the parties desire.
- Upon completion of the appeals / review process and a final decision is made, the outcome needs to be documented and signed off by all relevant stakeholders. This is the key objective, to have all stakeholders in agreement of any specific behavioural / procedural or process changes.
Winning Through Participation, Spencer L., Kendall Publishing, Iowa 1989.
Reframing Organisations, Bolman L. & Deal T., Jossey Bass, San Franciso 1991.
Managing the New Organisation, Limerick D. & Cunnington B., Business Professional Publishing, Sydney 1993.
When Giants Learn to Dance, Kanter R., Unwin Hyman, London 1990.
Under New Management, Dunphy D. & Stace D., McGraw Hill, Sydney 1992.
Managing Organisational Communication, Bordow A. & More E., Longman Cheshire, Melbourne 1991.
Fierce Conversations, Scott S. Berkley Publishing Group. New York 2002