When to Switch a Job? A Simple Formula

When to Switch a Job? A Simple Formula

I have a simple but very effective formula to find out when to switch a job. Many employee feel confusion and think whether to switch a job or not. This formula will work in most of the cases for senior employee. For junior employee it is not applicable.

If you see that your employer is not happy to see you then that is the exact right time to switch the job. Even a master become happy to see his dog. So there is no reason that your employer will be unhappy to see you if everything is ok. However please be sure whether he is unhappy for any other specific reason, not related to you.

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When to Switch a Job? A simple Formula.

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M Yakub Chowdhury??????

Head of Operations, SICHO Freight, Project, Healthcare, Life science, Dangerous Goods, Equipment Rental Barge Crane Trailer Truck

6 年

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