When submitting your script to investors, studios, what are 2 of the most important documents that determine if your script gets accepted or rejected?

When submitting your script to investors, studios, what are 2 of the most important documents that determine if your script gets accepted or rejected?

When submitting your script to investors, studios, what are 2 of the most important documents that determine if your script gets accepted or rejected?

To start there are 2 documents that will be reviewed, prior to reading your script, your Development Presentation and a SAR ... see below.

Short answer: * To start with, no longer is your script the first document executives will review. Although, your script is important, it’s not the only document that’s important nor the first document investors and industry executives will want to review.

* The first document executives will review, before readying your script is a Development Presentation.

* What is a Development Presentation (DP) A DP is a concise overview of how your project meets the creative, entertainment, and marketing needs of the investor or executive you’re submitting it to.

* What information is required to be included in it? Click here to view basic information to include in a Presentation.

* How is a Development Presentation different from a Pitch Deck? *A Pitch Deck tends to focus on the entertainment value of a script. *A Development Presentation focuses on how a script meets their specific creative, entertainment and marketing needs.?

* Given this is the first document they review, it is a key factor in determining if your script is accepted for review or rejected.

* Note: A DP may be called a different name by different executives, but the information that needs to be included in whatever you call it ... is consistent throughout the industry when submitting your script. Click here to view a sample of a Development Presentation

* The next step ... If your Development Presentation (DP) meets the needs of the investor or industry executive you've submitted to, their next step is to generate a SAR before reading your Polished Script.

* What is a SAR? Script Analysis Report (SAR) evaluates and scores what information executives want revealed in the first 10 pages of your script. This report determines if entire script will be reviewed or rejected. See below why the first 10 pages of a script so important?

* Why executives are given an SAR. Given they don’t have time to read scripts, an SAR helps them determine if your script will meet their creative and marketing needs and be accepted or rejected, without having to read your entire script. ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????How does having a script analysis report (SAR) for my script benefit me? It gives you the advantage of knowing if the creative, entertainment, and marketing values of your script meets the standards investors and industry executives are looking for.?

?* Note: An SAR may not seem important, but if the first 10 pages of your script does not reveal answers to creative, entertainment, and marketing trends investors and industry executives want answers to, it’s a strong possibility that’s where the review process will end.

Why are the first 10 pages of your script important?

* Research has shown there is an extremely short amount of time a film or series has to grab, hold, and capture the imagination of an audience. That’s why most films and series tend to excite and grab the attention of the audience within the first 2 pages (first 2-3 mins)?and the reason the first 10 pages of your script is so important.

What industry executives are looking for in the first 10 pages of your script

*High Concept: What is the hook that makes the audience want to keep watching? (a.) example: think Law & Order or any genre that has some type of action happen in the first page.

* What is the CQ (Central Question of the story.) The script begins with an action, that creates the central question "who, what, or why." (a.) example: scene opens with an Amour Car being robbed, but only a box was taken (why.)

* What Quadrant Level is the script? ** Quadrant is defined as what demographic does it appeal to? - A movie that appeals to all four major demographics both male and female, and both over and under the age of 25 (is a level 4.)

Sophie, Producer / BSI Films



Susan Flanagan, Emmy? Award Winning Writer, Exec. Prod.的更多文章

