When to Step Up and When to Stand Back
Amanda Mitchell
Communications Professional I Strategist Dealing with Disruptive Workplace Drama
In most offices there are two types of people—the kind that volunteers for everything and the ones who never raise their hands. Neither are good strategies.
Unplanned work is often a result of a change in corporate strategy. That can mean projects with high visibility, interesting problems to solve, and potentially a fast track to a better position. Then again, extra projects may just be a result of someone’s poor planning. You’ll likely have a mix of both.
Stepping Up Strategically
Rather than being assigned (perhaps randomly) to projects, think about what types of work would be best for you and proactively volunteer for specific deliverables. Not only will you more likely get the best type of projects, you’ll get points for stepping up.
Volunteering in an area that aligns with your personal interests as well as your career goals will give you the biggest benefit. Do you want to develop a new skill, learn a new way of thinking, or develop/deepen relationships with colleagues and influencers? Maybe you need experience leading a team of peers or superiors. Being the point person for a project can give you invaluable leadership experience. And it can also give you a window into the opportunities that are available (or are soon going to be).
Focus on Project/Group Needs
Make sure the project/group needs what you have to offer. This sounds basic but many times people volunteer and aren’t able to use the skills they are most suited to leverage. Make sure they need what you have in order to have the best experience.
About Us:
Amanda Mitchell and her team at Our Corporate Life help companies address the disruptive drama that gets in the way of business results. How? By working one-on-one with senior executives to increase leadership skills and working with teams to improve their ability to resolve conflict productively. This results in solutions that stick.
(You are welcome to reprint this article as long as you include the following in its entirety: Reprinted from "Our Corporate Life?," a biweekly ezine featuring practical tips and tools for navigating the corporate world. ? MMXIII Our Corporate Life LLC All Rights Reserved. Subscribe at ourcorporatelife.com/subscribe).