When to start? Now. How? Don't doubt.
I just finished watching the 2024 movie, 'Deliverance.'
One message kept ringing in my ear, "don't doubt."
The pastor died, but the mother's prayers saved both herself and her children because, in the end, she chose not to doubt.
Earlier in the week, I had messaged a friend about a rise in the cost of something and his response was, "worst time to do business, literally."
It was easy to get his point of view.
Each new day came with one upsetting news, be it an increase in taxes or a rise in the cost of goods and services.
It was harder to put another message from another friend, "You should start now," into perspective.
At that point. My signals crossed. My head screamed no! Didn't I know existing businesses were failing? Wasn't I brainstorming last week on ways to diversify? Why risk expanding into a new venture with all the attendant risk and speculations?
The other friend told a story.
"Growing up, I had ventures I wanted to do. Ventures that I could have painstakingly opened and pushed through 3 to 4 years, back. Still, I kept holding out, kept dragging my feet. The conditions weren't ripe, then and aren't ripe now. Yet, can you tell the difference?" he asked.
I nodded in disagreement.
"Well, then with a bit of struggle and much coat-cutting, I could have started. Now it would be nigh impossible and take a miracle to kick one off."
The situation may be different for you. Seek to diversify. It could be storing fish with your neighbors in a common cold room to reduce electricity costs. It may be renting a portion of your company's land for a farm or stall. It may be to create synergy with another delivery agency to keep transport costs low.
Dig deep and think.
'That below-you-idea,' that humbles you, or 'the big idea' that scares might be the piece you need.
Don't Doubt. Just Start- Now.