When Someone Smiles
Marilyn McLeod
Publisher: Celebrating Coaches Magazine; Host: Celebrating Authors Summit Series - I help coaches and authors create and promote their book(s).
This morning I went for a swim in chilly water. As I swam toward the deeper end, I swam through a patch of warmer water. "Oh, nice," I thought, "They turned on the heater." It was just a pleasant surprise that something small made my life a little sweeter.
During this time there are so many things challenging my sense of sweetness: COVID-19, the U.S. election, Halloween ... just to name a few. The surprise warmth in the pool (I was the only one in the pool and it wasn't a yellow patch of water!!) led my thoughts to what other things recently have taken away some of the harshness, and brought some relief.
When I was stressed today, my shelter-in-place roommate said he understood and gave me a hug, rather than blaming me and returning my stress in his reaction.
Three times since the lockdown as I've been waiting on the sidewalk to cross the street, the person driving the truck, car and then bus, the only vehicle on the street, stopped their vehicle for me to cross, even though I was happy to wait and there was no need for them to stop for me.
I finally finished writing a complex letter about a difficult topic, hoping to clear up two years of institutional administrative mistakes, and my attorney said it was a good letter the first time around!
The times the grocery delivery included all of the items I ordered, with fresh produce.
After studying hard and preparing every day since February (that's how I've made lemonade during the pandemic), I'm finally close to launching my new online business.
I'm still here.
This is my day, my precious moments. How can I create my day so it includes things that feed my soul, that help me make progress towards what matters most to me long term?
What have you experienced that relieved some of the harshness in your life?
Marilyn McLeod