When size matters to you...
I have my own very clear and assertive opinion on the power of networking within LinkedIn. If you check out enough articles, you will notice 2 rather distinct camps here. The quality networker and the quantity networker. This particular article is not meant to take sides but to to help you learn more about the actual network rather than get into any philosophical arguments (We can do that another time..)
LinkedIn lets you grow your network until a maximum ceiling of 30,000 first degree connections. (There used to be no real limit until 18th July 2016 when they decided to arbitrarily mass cull anyone above 30,000 - You can read about that slaughter here).
But lets' focus here for now. When your network size is less than 500, LinkedIn will actually post that specific number on the front page of your profile, next to your current location. But once you hit 501, LinkedIn will merely record it as 500+.
Sometimes, you do want to know for sure what the real (or very close guesstimate) network size of the member is, here's how you do it.
You will notice that this member has a network of 500+. That could mean 501 or up to 30,000.
For you to understand a much clearer view of his network size, scroll down a little bit and pay attention to his Recent Articles & Activities section.
You will notice that it indicates the number of followers. In this case it is 6,790 followers. Note some rules around understanding this..
- All first degree connections automatically become followers.
- Followers can follow you without becoming connected to you.
- First degree connections can choose to UNfollow you.
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I am the founder and Principal Trainer at The Candidate School. We are a training company that teach candidates & candidates-to-be the fine art of job search and attraction through our proprietary programs.