When is the right time?
Yolanda S.
A recruiter that is unorthodox in her approach to the recruiting world. A coach with the moto of 'Leaving you better than how I found you'.
Relationships in this era are hard! The dos and don'ts are bewildering and confusing. You try and stay proper and act with certain decorum to be respected but all I want to do is experience and be free with someone.
It is as if I go bat shit crazy when it feels like a relationship might go somewhere and I have this need to get clingy all of a sudden and want to change a man. I know this happens with a lot of people out there but why oh why do we do it? I for one most certainly do not like to be told how and what to do and yet I want to inflict it on someone else.
Apparently, there is a rule to not sleep with someone in the first three months. I did not sleep with my second husband after 3 months and yes he is now my ex. You have to go out on a date and not to their homes. I would much rather go to the home to get a clearer picture of the person. A home says a lot about someone. These days your organs might be harvested though.
I was never allowed to go to my previous partner's home and turns out he had quite a huge skeleton in his closet! Yes, the skeleton was called wife, and not my proudest moment. When you are in love you can be fed any bull on this earth and take a side order as well.
Believe me when I say I went and searched for relationship advice and it made matters worse.
Thinking back I was more successful with relationships then but poorer in judgment or do men like the insecurities of a woman?
Being successful and strong I now struggle...
Still figuring it out.
You would think I know what I am doing when it comes to the opposite sex at my mature age but no such thing. I am still fumbling around in the dark and figuring things out.
One thing I have realized is that what I attract is a reflection of what I believe I deserve. Coming full circle again is me taking accountability for my beliefs and power to create. I cannot blame a partner if I am unhappy. I cannot expect him to make me happy.
I also do not want to fear love and I want to believe in it. I have come to terms that I would rather die trying than not try at all. I am a true romantic and my heart is strong enough to take whatever comes her way.
I have learned to celebrate other beautiful relationships to strengthen my belief in love. If you believe men are nasty you will find nasty men but you will find beautiful and strong men if you believe they are out there.
Let yourself go and the freedom will come within any relationship. Don't bleed on someone who did not cut you. Be the healing you seek for someone else. I used two quotes from Abraham Hicks as she really changed my way of looking at an intimate relationship with a life partner. I love Abraham's insights on relationships.
So far I like you pretty good. Let's see how it goes. I am going to do my best to stay in alignment with who I am. Which means this relationship has a really powerful probability of not only surviving but thriving. My capacity to love you is not going to be contingent upon anything that you do.
You are worthy of everything you believe you deserve so be careful and very clear on what your beliefs are.
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