When is the right time to “Switch your Job”
Dragging yourself to work? No More. This is the advertisement of Naukri.com that caught my attention.
Switching is not as easy as it appears in the advert. There are many aspects to be considered before you take a call of changing your job. Identify the actual and a solid reason behind this decision.
Here are few questions you can ask yourself when you decide to call it off.
- Are my efforts being recognized & appreciated?
- Will my absence make a difference to the organization?
- Do I see my self moving up the ladder over here?
- Am I growing here on monetary terms & also career wise?
- Am I able to balance my work as well as my personal life?
- Am I learning, upgrading and updating myself on a constant basis?
- Do I have the freedom to share my views & opinions?
If your answers are yes, then understand & acknowledge that you are in a good place. But hey, if you have aspirations or desires of moving into a particular company or do something else then do it thoughtfully without any rush. Take your time !!
If your answers are NO or mostly No then it is a Red Alert ! Action Time !
What should you look for in a new job?
What should you think about when seeking out ? What if the next place is the same? Could be, but risks are inevitable, you have to take a risk when the probability is fifty- fifty.
- You spend a major amount of time on a daily basis at work. It is very important that you are comfortable and are in a conducive environment.
No Big Name/brand /perks can guarantee you job satisfaction.
- Understand the company culture.
- Understand the roles & responsibilities, an outline about the project that you will be assigned to, the hierarchy & the reporting structure, appraisal system, have a meeting with your reporting manager (You can set up one) to know each other better
The right job profile is the key to your happiness and fulfillment
- Ask yourself before taking up the offer “Does this company fits into all the parameters that I have been looking for”? "Do I see my self happy here"?
- Do a thorough research about the company (Check reviews too).
Trust your instinct. If you are in an environment which is deteriorating your abilities rather than enhancing them then treat that as a warning sign. Talk about it to your manager/mentor. Don’t let that destroy you. If it doesn’t seem to work upon your satisfaction, immediately look for an alternative.
A clogged brain will never be able to make way for new thoughts & ideas. You can bring out the best in you only when your happy and work with an open mind.