When The Resistance Comes... Push Through!
Maini Homer
??Showing You How To Book Calls & Scale Your Business. ??104 Million Views on Google! ?? 27 Yrs in Business ??Author ??Blog & Article Writer ?? Google & LinkedIn??Business Consultant??Content Creator ??Super Connector!
We’ve all been there, Right? That moment when things seem to be going great, and then all of a sudden something goes wrong. Something unexpected, something from left field, something possibly out of your control.
It’s not the first time either is it? Even though things have been going along reasonably well, this has really thrown a spanner in the works hasn’t it?
So, what do you do? Do you stop? Do you quit? Do you walk away?
Some people do… in fact a lot of people do. Many people are so afraid that they’ll fail, the instant something goes wrong, they throw in the towel and simply give up.
Then the feelings of not being good enough, not being worthy, of not being a success get that little bit stronger, and your unconscious mind secretly goes YES! I’ve won again.
The reason for this is you’ve downloaded these patterns from your childhood and even possibly from generations before you. Your unconscious mind, which actually runs the show, believes these thoughts to be true, and so will do whatever it needs to, to make you act in ways to prove it.
It does that, because it believes its protecting you. Your unconscious believes that whatever you download before the age of 7 is truth, because before this age, we don’t actually know what is real and what is make believe. So, if you have downloaded say, “I’m not good enough” for example, any little thing that comes up to get in your way, could very well stop you from moving forward.
And this is why most people give up. It’s much easier to stay in your comfort zone isn’t it? Much easier to just settle with what you’ve got and not push that little bit harder. I mean, it’s not that bad is it? You’ll get to earn money till you retire, and then if you are lucky you can spend your days finally doing what you want to do, rather than spending your time working for someone else.
But what if this resistance was just a bit of Ying and Yang? What if this resistance was the FINAL piece before you hit gold? There’s a great story in the fabulous book “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill about a man who was two feet from gold, when he gave up, and sold his plot for pittance.
And what if he had just pushed through a little harder, and a little longer? He would have struck it BIG TIME!
See, here’s the thing. I believe that everything must be in balance.. So if you are getting wins, you must also get losses… It’s all part of the process, and it’s all part of the journey and adventure.
The losses though can go either way, depending on how you choose to look at them. Take for example my business. I’ve been going now for just on two years in this particular business. I’ve learned that my strengths lie in the creation side of businesses, and so I am in that phase with this one where I shine…
Today, out of the blue, I had my facebook ads account disabled. Lord knows exactly why, and it’s really put a spanner in my works, as I had a full blown plan set out. It’s now been blown to smithereens.
Am I worried? Not in the slightest. That’s because I see this as just the next challenge. I know in my heart and soul that I haven’t done anything terribly wrong, and if I have made a mistake I’ll learn from it. I also know that even though this could be a little catastrophic, it’s not going to be the end of the world, and it will just be a slight hurdle, or delay in what’s inevitable. My total success in THIS business.
So, I have this morning, done what I needed to do, and am now awaiting the response from Facebook. In the meantime, I’ve worked out an alternative plan, and will implement that on Monday if need be.
As for today, Saturday, I’ve been inspired to write this article, and now I am going to put my feet up, enjoy some well earned rest time, and tackle whatever presents itself on Monday morning. Am I giving up? NO Way! Am I choosing to push through, ABSOLUTELY!
So my friend, when you get resistance in whatever you are doing, choose to see it as just the next challenge, and push through. I’ve been told by many a source that the problems never go away, they just get bigger and bigger as you go along. So we may as well learn to jump them, right?