When Publishing a Poetry Book is a Breeze
You love writing. While writing poetry, you pour your heart out, sharing your innermost thoughts and feelings. You can almost feel your poetry touching the hearts and minds of those who read it.
A collection of poems you are proud of is ready. You would like this poetry to remain forever. It is poignant and should be read, with its message felt by the reader.
You are as excited as can be.
The only way to make it accessible to all and forever is to create a book and publish it. That is when your poetry-publishing journey starts. After much trying you realize the pain of trying to get it published. Silence from publishers piles up.
It need not be.
Have you thought of self-publishing it? If you have penned 60 pages or more, but no more than 150 pages in total, explore self-publishing.
Are you thinking that maybe you will need to spend to publish? The answer is yes and no! It is possible to publish your poetry for free, DIY publishing too, and in print form. You also have the professional option.
Poetry is the hardest genre to publish traditionally.
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To professionally publish a poetry book, you can connect with us.
If you want to start writing a poetry book read about writing and publishing poetry.