Sandy, ?I miss you also. Reading your last email, I am continually impressed with your capacity for self reflection.?Your kitten sounds adorable.?As to what to read next, I think you'd like Meg Wolitzer--either Wife or the latest one, The Position. Both are pretty good explorations of people and relationships. Looking forward to talking with you next Thursday. Am I remembering correctly that Alex's birthday is the 27th? If you want to talk before Thursday, just let me know. Oh, and yes, my boys have been up for the week enjoying a little down time. Take care.
Yes, vacation is enjoyable and it is peaceful by the lake, and you're right about the morning sun. Swimming, kayaking, running so far. Yesterday while kayaking saw a baby loon with its parents, which is rare because it is difficult for baby loons to survive these days with all the racoons looking for food. They ride on their parents back until they learn to swim. Otherwise just enjoying nature and settling in. I agree with your "Who are you..." email. Just have to get the rest of the shrink world to go along too. Speaking of which, I hope tomorrow goes well. Let me know. In any case, will call you Thursday morning.?Am thinking of you also and hope things are going well.
Dear Sandy,
??I'm sitting here watching the lake go from a really windy white-cap day to calm and soothing, just flat water perfect for water skiing, and thinking about my response to your email. Something about knowing how relaxing vacation can be, so will call you on Wednesday at 10 because I want to wish you a calming trip in person. How's that for directness.
Do these emails from the summer of 2005 look like they were written by a psychologist to his PATIENT!!!! To read more buy my book about Dr. Richard Geist "Love Bombed by A Harvard Psychologist"