When preparation meets opportunity
Kishore Shintre
#newdaynewchapter is a Blog narrative started on March 1, 2021 co-founded by Kishore Shintre & Sonia Bedi, to write a new chapter everyday for making "Life" and not just making a "living"
Luck is an invention created by losers, to wit “He was lucky to be born rich!” “He was lucky he went to an elite college!” We are all born into different places, ages, and families. We are all inherently endowed with curiosity and adventuresome personalities. As we mature we learn to adapt in our cultures. We can chose to become what we want to try to be. Or we can chose to become what others want us to be. I was not a planner until much later in my life. It wasn’t until I was 24 did I realize that I needed a better plan, actually a real plan. I began my 17 year odyssey of night college.
Somewhere along that interesting journey and 5 different universities I began to think, “A plan is a good way to achieve more opportunities.” I realized we make our own decisions and the results lead us to success more likely than failure. A positive self-voice helps too. Listening to those who’ve failed and their excuses isn’t helpful. Relying on others, I’m referring to the government, is an excellent way to cripple your ambitions. Have you ever seen an able-body panhandler? Have you ever known a 30 year old living at home? Have you ever heard a politician saying, “We should have more free education, healthcare, pay”, etc etc.?
I grew up understanding our pay was based on our talents. I grew up understanding the government should protect us from our enemies, domestic and foreign. I realized we made our plans and that led to success or failure. I also understood everyone needs plan A and plan B. This applies in many areas of life. We need Plan A and B with our education and our ability to earn a wage; then we are able generate income based on our talent. In other areas of life, we need multiple plans: as we drive we need to look ahead to see what other drivers are doing. If they do X what is my plan? You always need an out. If I can’t make it in college what marketable skill do I have? Writing, photography, mechanic, handyman, gardener, painter, etc.
Always maintain flexibility and have a plan in your back pocket. I define luck as being in the right place at the right time. Period. It is not the same as being blessed nor is it sent from God. It is merely an accident of time and location. While I absolutely think "I believe in luck, the harder I work, the more luck I have" has some validity, and while preparation and making one's own opportunities are also valid, luck sometimes is really just luck. I worked incredibly hard at a thing for more than a decade, I made some opportunities, I was prepared for others, but in the end there was no big break. Other people who came after me, who were the right sex, or the proper height, or who had a better contact or something I could not control, got the opportunity I desperately needed and wanted.
Were they "luckier"? Possibly, but I knew going into it, I was laying foundation for someone else that would have the chance to make the break. Being first in the field is only cool post facto. Recently, I received - out of the blue - a request that was a hugely important thing. It's legitimized my research in a way that nothing, no amount of work, could ever do. And it was pure "luck." So what is luck in this case? It's when you knowing the right person who is in the right place and time to mention your name to the right person who can use it. You yourself have no control over any of this. You can work hard, but sometimes, you just gotta hope for that kind of luck.
Was it Jack who fell in love with a beautiful and loving girl? or Was it Rose who got a guy to sacrifice his life to save her from death? If your answer is any one of them, then let me tell you that ‘You are absolutely wrong’. The correct answer is ‘The unknown guy who lost his ticket to Jack.’ Remember- ‘Everything happens for a reason.’ Maybe what you really want is not meant for you or is not good for you. So if you fail even after giving your best, don’t feel demotivated. If you fall 100 times, 100 lessons can be learnt.
Luck and Skill are two different parameters of life. People often get conflict between them. Whenever we look at successful people,we call them lucky!but what is luck? Does luck really matter? If yes,then why people often face failures? If I were to say that luck is important too but for those people who value it. Opportunities present themselves every day to every people. But only a people who recognizes them without delay,gets to convert these opportunities to their valuable outcomes. Win is always your if you put all the efforts from your deep heart. Their is no direct connection of luck with success. “When people succeed,it is because of hard work.Luck has nothing to do with”.
Behind every succeed are many aspects work, dedication, patience and sometime luck also works. As far as I believe that if hard work is not enough luck is not important. Sometimes if you have luck but you do nothing work, the luck is disappear from your life. “The only thing that overcomes hard luck is hard work”. So success is not a matter of luck,it depends on firm determination and full preparation. Everything that happens to us is a karmic reaction from our previous pious and sinful activities. Those who desire good fortune should thus give up all sinful activities and engage only in pious activities. And those who are most intelligent will engage in devotional activities, activities of devotion to God which are transcendental to all pious and impious activities. This will bless them with unlimited eternal bliss and knowledge. Cheers!