When the Phone rings is it for YOU or your bank account?
Michelle Bethel-Gibson
“Imagine who you will become if you believe it is possible.”
Well, there it goes again ringing off the hook. I don't even have to wonder who it is because the call is not for me it’s for my bank account.??
Yes, that’s right I am almost tempted to get in my car, go to the ATM machine and put the phone to the cash dispenser so that they (that person ringing my phone off the hook) can have a conversation because it’s certainly not for me.
Sounds hilarious right but seriously I think if some people in my life could communicate with my bank account without me, they would be happy to do so.
Can you relate?? If you can then you get me, right?? And if you can’t then you are the person calling.??
But seriously, it is rather frustrating that family and friends and even sometimes people I hardly know would make plans for my bank account.??
These people go about their lives:
They have never once asked my opinion when they are living their “BEST LIVES”? Yet when it is all done I get the call with a conversation that goes something like this:
All these scenarios end the same way as they always do “How much do you need?”
Well Today it’s STOPS I want you to adopt my new response to these people “Well thanks for the back story but I have plans for my money and I didn’t include you but if you need help in avoiding this situation next time, I am here for you”
Here’s what I know IF YOU DON’T MAKE PLANS FOR YOUR MONEY SOMEONE ELSE WILL. So do your bank account a favor and settle this matter once and for all and watch the calls to your BANK ACCOUNT STOP.
P.S. Here's Ten strategies to Recession Proof Your Life. RECESSION PROOF YOUR LIFE (imaginegreater242.com)