When the Party’s Over

When the Party’s Over

Your meeting might be over, but the connections and momentum don’t have to stop there! Keep your attendees thinking about you long after they’ve left with these simple but impactful follow-ups:

Keep the Conversations Going

  • Send a Post-Event Survey: Get valuable feedback on every aspect of the event—speakers, content, logistics, and even the venue. (Don’t forget to share those insights with us here in Providence! We’d love to hear what your attendees have to say about their time in our city.)
  • Share Resources: Provide attendees with access to presentations, recordings, or any other helpful materials. This keeps your event top of mind and extends its value.
  • Build a Post-Event Community: Create an online space where attendees can continue the conversation, share resources, and expand their networks. Whether it’s a forum, LinkedIn group, or Slack channel, this helps foster ongoing engagement.

Leverage Social Media

Connect with attendees on social media! Share event highlights, promote upcoming events, and encourage participants to tag you in their posts to keep the buzz alive.

Stay in the Know About Providence

Your attendees got a taste of Providence—now keep them in the loop on all the amazing things happening in the Creative Capital!

  • Encourage Subscriptions: Direct them to the GoProvidence E-Newsletter, where they’ll find updates on the city’s hottest happenings.
  • Share the PVD POV Podcast: Let them tune in for insider stories and insights from Providence’s movers and shakers.

By staying connected, you’ll ensure that Providence remains their go-to destination for future events, vacations, or just a good time.

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