When to Outsource?
Welcome to 4th Quarter! The holidays are rapidly approaching and the online marketing presence is growing, but often this is when employees want to take vacation. As a business manager or owner, you might soon feel the strain of it all! Managing marketing strategies should be a priority, yet it can often be overshadowed by operational duties. Small businesses and many entrepreneurs have resource constraints and often lack the budget to hire permanent employees. Here are a few steps to consider when seeking to outsource marketing professionals.
First, carefully review the company’s vision, mission, values, and goals within the marketing plan. Determine tasks that might be better suited for professionals, which can often be done quicker. A few strategies that could be outsourced might be developing a new marketing or brand campaign, designing a website, planning media buys, managing social media platforms, or even managing a special holiday event. The hours spent planning, creating, and organizing these tasks by a professional can pay dividends long-term.
Second, while the internet has a plethora of resources from templates, applications, and outsourcing individuals, please be cautious. The self-proclaimed “marketer” or “graphic designer” without substance might cause more harm than good. Just because someone knows how to do an Instagram REEL or create a flyer, it does not qualify them to be a marketing expert that can handle your business assets. Here are a few tips to consider:
Check the firm or individuals’ background-Hold an online video or in-person meeting or multiple phone conversations to clearly understand their business philosophy, strategies and background(s), vast education, and work examples.
Review their online presence-Research their website, and their social media platforms. Read their content and gain insight on how they communicate, their strategies, and if the professional(s) would be a good fit for your business. It must be a partnership. ?
Ask for follow-up-Look for reviews on social media or testimonials from trusted client resources. Ask for a follow-up or further information, so the individual or firm can showcase their best work. ?Make sure the testimonials are valid and from real companies or organizations.
Understand asset delivery -Ask how you or your leadership team will receive the final documents or copies of the materials created. Understand how they will communicate with your vendors, media, or team members.
Ask about reporting methods-How are metrics tracked? Is it every campaign or every month? What are the benchmarks from starting point to completion? Share your goals and ensure they can produce outcomes.
Researching a skilled marketing practitioner or firm takes time but should help ease the talent constraints. When you can make more money and gain a few minutes of sanity to yourself before the holiday bustle, outsourcing might be your best option.
Jennifer Bushong, MA is the owner of JBe Marketing Group, LLC., a full-service marketing and communications firm in Washington State. Bushong earned a Master of Arts in Journalism with a concentration in public relations from Kent State University and graduated cum laude with a communication degree from the University of Washington.? To connect, email [email protected] or visit www.jbe-marketing.com