When opportunity, competence and interest converge - magic happens

When opportunity, competence and interest converge - magic happens

While recently helping mentor a young graduate on career options, I pointed out to him what I thought were the key ingredients for success

During the current pandemic, I have seen many people jump on the bandwagon to capitalise on what they (and everyone else) considered a golden business opportunity. 

Nothing wrong with that

However, without the other 2 pieces in place, I’m convinced success will be fleeting and remain just that - opportunistic and not sustainable

Similarly having deep competence and knowledge but an inability to spot and seize the opportunity will result in frustration. 

Finally, merely interest without building competence in the area of interest will remain a hobby 

Few of us have the good fortune where all these three elements align. this synergy is when the whole becomes greater than the sum of the parts 

So what comes first? The chicken or the egg

Ideally one should build a deep competency (i.e knowledge) in an area of interest (often called passion) so when the opportunity arises (also called luck) you are well placed to be satisfied and happy

It worked for me so I am blessed 

Vijayanand Samudrala

President - New Energy at Amara Raja Energy & Mobility Ltd

3 年

Apply said. It helps greatly to have appreciation for this framework early on in life as we move into productive phase. IKIGAI - “A reason for being” has a similar framework for a meaningful life.

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