When one door closes....
Michael Allen C.
Trusted Consultant | Driving Operational Excellence | Transforming Processes for Maximum Efficiency and Profitability | Expert in Lean Methodologies and Agile Strategies to Enhance Performance!
I am sure you have heard the sayings, “When one door closes, another one opens.” “When life throws you lemons, make lemonade.” You have most likely heard them so often that they have become cliché.
If not, you have now. The fact is, bad things DO happen to good people. That is life. We do not have to like those things, but that doesn’t stop them from happening.
Bad things are going to happen, either it HAS happened recently, or it is about to happen.
So, when something happens; say you get fired, what now? We all know that we can’t stop THESE things from happening; we can, however control what we do from here.
Never forget: you are not alone in your struggles. Great people have it happen just as often as people you have never heard of, the difference is how they handle it. Do you let it set you back? Do you remove the things that got you here? Or do you adjust your course and sail on to new adventures?
I am sure, if you look right now you can identify at least one item, or adversity that has set you back or at the very least, has made you take a step back. Let’s try an exercise in greatness!
Even if those adversities have beaten you in the past, today is the day that you turn that adversity into a triumph.
Write down at least one thing that had an adverse affect on your path to your success.
Now let’s take control of that adversity. Do we need to identify the obstacle & remove it, or do we need to change our plans so we can set a new destination on to new and exciting adventures?
Write down your options and the action you will take to overcome it.
Many of the people that are considered great have had adversity, not of their own making, and overcome it.
Bethany Hamilton, the 13 year old surfer that had her arm bitten off by a shark, went on to win First Place in the Explorer Women’s division of the NSSA, National Championship.
Richard Branson, overcame Dyslexia and became a self made millionaire starting the Virgin Record label, Airline, Cell Phone Company, and many other ventures.
Thomas Edison, who had one failed invention after the other, is attributed to having invented the incandescent light. Once stated that he didn’t fail, he just found 10,000 ways that didn’t work.
Steven Spielberg, the man behind blockbuster movies like Jaws, ET, Saving Private Ryan, Schindler’s List and many, many more; was rejected by film school after film school.
Now it is your turn to be the next Michael Jordan, Albert Einstein, Harlan Sanders, Franklin D Roosevelt, etc… You have the capacity to achieve many great things!
Please share how you have overcome your adversity, and allow others to benefit from your strength.
Remember, we cannot control what happens TO us; we do however choose what WE do from there.