When Occult Opens The Door To Darkness

When Occult Opens The Door To Darkness

Mary was a 30-year-old woman with a lifelong fascination for horoscopes, tarot cards, and I Ching. As a teenager, she purchased a tarot guidebook along with a deck of tarot cards and began studying them in depth. Eventually, her interest expanded to include I Ching and other methods of divination. Mary became obsessed with trying to peer into the future. However, over time, she started experiencing nightmares. Sometimes, she felt an ominous presence in her room. Despite these eerie experiences, she continued practicing tarot and other forms of divination.

Years passed, and Mary became a well-known psychic reader. She even claimed to communicate with spirits. Her clientele grew steadily, with many women seeking answers about their love lives.

Late one afternoon, as Mary sat at her table studying the tarot cards spread before her, the doorbell rang. She rose, walked to the door, and welcomed a young woman inside.

“Good day, Mary,” the visitor greeted.

“Good day, Janette. Come in,” Mary replied, guiding Janette to the table. She began shuffling the tarot deck.

“What would you like to find out?” Mary asked as she continued mixing the cards.

Janette hesitated before replying, “I’ve been struggling to attract a man into my life. Can you tell me if there’s someone out there for me?”

Mary dealt the cards and laid them out on the table. Janette watched with curiosity as Mary studied the spread.

“Indeed, I see a blockage that’s preventing men from entering your life,” Mary said, pointing to the Nine of Cups and the Knight of Cups. “But I also see love on the horizon. He’ll be a red-haired man.”

A hopeful smile spread across Janette’s face. “Will it last?” she asked.

“Yes,” Mary assured her. “Anything else you’d like to know?”

“No, that’s all,” Janette said, handing Mary payment. “Thank you.”

Mary guided Janette to the door. Just as Janette was leaving, a mother and her 12-year-old son arrived. Mary invited them in and directed them to the living room.

“What can I do for you today?” Mary asked.

The stout 45-year-old woman, Petra, spoke, “My husband passed away a few weeks ago. We can’t find the house papers. Can you connect with him and ask where they are?”

Mary gestured toward the table. “Have a seat.” She closed the curtains and lit a black candle. After placing it on the table, she sat down.

“What is his name?” Mary asked.

“John White,” the woman replied.

“Hold hands and don’t break the circle,” Mary instructed. They obeyed as Mary closed her eyes.

“John White, your wife is here. Talk to us,” Mary called. The boy opened his eyes briefly, looking around nervously before shutting them again. Mary’s voice grew firmer. “John, do you hear me? Your wife needs your guidance.”

Suddenly, the candle blew out, and something fell to the floor.

“What was that?” the woman asked, her voice tinged with worry.

“Stay focused,” Mary replied. “John, come into my body and use it as a vessel for communication.”

Mary’s body began to tremble, and her face appeared distorted. When she opened her eyes, her voice had changed.

“What do you want?” she demanded.

“Darling, we want to sell the house but can’t find the papers. Where did you put them?” the woman asked anxiously.

“I don’t remember. Leave me alone,” the voice said sharply.

Suddenly, objects in the room began falling to the floor. Terrified, the mother and son stood up, threw money on the table, and fled. As they ran, a chair slid toward them. Mary rose and opened the curtains.

“Stop it!” she shouted. But the chandelier above her began swaying ominously. Then an invisible force grabbed her leg and began pulling her. She fell and grabbed onto the table’s leg. The force pulled her so hard that the table went with her as well. Then it pinned her to the wall. Panicking, Mary crossed herself and prayed aloud, “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.” She repeated the prayer, making the sign of the cross in the air. Finally, the disturbances ceased.

Realizing she had invited a demonic presence into her life through her occult practices, Mary acted decisively. She threw her tarot cards, pendulums, crystals, and I Ching materials into the garbage. She thoroughly checked her bookshelves for anything related to the occult and discarded it all. Determined to make amends, she resolved to visit a priest for confession and ask him to bless her house.

Meanwhile, the mother and son returned home, shaken. That night, the boy, Jacob, refused to sleep alone. When he finally lay down, an overwhelming drowsiness overtook him. His body felt paralyzed, and he sensed a presence in the room. Something touched his hand, and a whisper called his name.

Jacob struggled to scream but could not. In his mind, he began reciting the prayer, “Our Father who art in heaven…” Finally, he broke free and screamed, “Mummy, help me!”

His mother rushed in, turning on the light. “What happened?” she asked.

“Something’s in my room,” Jacob replied, looking around in terror.

His mother searched but found nothing. “It’s just your imagination,” she said. “Say your prayers and go to sleep.” She turned off the light and left.

Jacob lay silently, looking around.

“Hey Jacob, do you want to play?” a voice whispered.

He covered his head with the blanket, trying not to move. He started feeling as if something heavy was pressing on his chest. He forced himself to move his hand. He crossed himself and prayed, “Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me, a sinner.” Then he recited the St. Michael prayer:

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly hosts, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan, and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

Feeling a sense of peace, Jacob finally fell asleep.

Explanation: The Bible forbids consulting psychics, mediums, or engaging in divination. These practices are associated with demonic influences. When people seek answers from such sources, they risk inviting evil forces into their lives. The souls of the dead do not communicate through mediums; such manifestations are deceptions by demonic entities. If you have ever engaged in these practices, you must confess and repent.

Don't forget to check out my first try in horror A HELL FOR ALL SEASONS.

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