When nothing works…
How are you? Did you find some interesting truth about yourself with the hard questions I asked in the last newsletter?
If you did, you may like to explore more of your body awareness & embrace lightness through Gorgeous you call on Thursday:
Light and lightness
Many of us are asking for something in order to feel good. However, once you lay the condition for feeling good, you have given away your control. That condition owns you; you have become the slave of that condition. Instead, find a way to feel good NOW – right now. Then you become an invitation to everything you desire.
Light key systems help you achieve just that effortlessly. There are some important classes coming up to help you with your self-mastery.
Light keys Intermediate course will help you improve your prosperity consciousness, self-worth, health, connection with the planet and more. One of my team members who had cough and throat sore for more than 6 months, started on health key practice and in 3 weeks that condition was a history. There are so many such testimonials. If you have completed your Light key Blueprint course, you can hop on for a ride:
Many of us secretly loathe the bodies we have; many of us are being slaves to our bodies; many of us are afraid to enjoy the bodies. Guess what… the whole trip to the planet is to experience the universe through the body. So, if your relationship with your body isn’t great, then the purpose of the trip may not be met. Until we find that, we will, perhaps, keep coming back!
Joyous embodiment is an awesome class that will help you have such a freedom and choice with your body. You will fall in love with your body and life! I hope I will see some of you there:
I am also going to be teaching ‘Light key Frequencies for limitless reality’, coming 26th. Here is a feedback about this class:
“Nila all I can say is WOW . The peace and well-being, the caring and nurturing I feel after yesterday’s class with advanced frequencies is unbelievable! Immense gratitude for this journey starting with Mumbai class. Truly from “fried to freed”. Thank you.”
Are you willing to embrace light and lightness effortlessly?
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We cordially invite you to join our ‘Light key mastery’ public group with Nila/Nimi.
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Did you know that you can download ’50 questions to change anything magically’ ebook by referring us to 5 of your friends? Please click here to refer and download it.