When nothing is sure, everything is possible
There’s something about uncertainty that is deeply uncomfortable, but alluring.
When uncertainty persists, and you move past the initial rush of “battening down the hatches”, you have two choices; dwell in the stress or learn to trust the journey even when you do not understand it.
This might be a little too philosophical for some, but I believe uncertainty and discomfort are a compass toward growth. Yes, moving back into Alert Level 3 in Auckland was uncomfortable, the rest of the country being in Level 2 created uncertainty. But it also opened the door for a speedy return to business as unusual, after all, we’ve been here before and we know what to do. We’ve got our QR codes at the ready (with MBIE indicating that these need to be placed both on the building by the landlord and in each tenant’s space by the individual occupiers). We’ve made our own masks, we’ve become best mates via Zoom - we’ve adapted, pivoted and rolled with the tide.
The next wave on the horizon is one that could have significant implications for our industry – the general election on 17 October. Whatever form the new government takes, it is vital that policy makers understand the importance of the property industry to New Zealand’s recovery.
We ask you to grab a coffee and take a few minutes to familiarise yourself with Property Council's Election Platform. If you like what you see, then please share it on LinkedIn or social media, making sure you tag us in your post. We need your help to champion our industry and it can be done with the click of a mouse – there is influence in numbers.
As an organisation, the recent uncertainty has brought with it an urgent need for change. Today is a fine example of this shift, as we host 420 delegates at our first ever Residential Development Virtual Summit – a feat our incredible team turned around in just over a week. Testament to the need to be flexible and prepared for any event, we have been encouraged and heartened by the support shown by sponsors, speakers and members, so thank you.
We’ve had several members asking whether the Property Council New Zealand Rider Levett Bucknall Property Industry Awards will be going ahead on Friday 25 September, and are pleased to say that at this stage we have every intention of this event running as planned unless advised otherwise. You may just have to get a bit crafty to make a face mask black-tie-appropriate should the need arise!
Finally, I would like to take a moment to pay tribute to Bob Dey, who announced his retirement, and the conclusion of the Bob Dey Property Report this week. Bob has been a major contributor to our industry for two decades, providing independent and in-depth reporting that was as regular as a heartbeat. Bob’s final newsletter will be published on Monday 31 August and we wish him all the very best with the next chapter.
Ngā mihi nui.
Leonie Freeman