When nothing seems to be working

When nothing seems to be working

Have you ever felt like every step you take, every attempt and turn you make nothing seems to be moving you forward

 You know you need to change things around and you know that the change starts with you the words and inspirational quotes all say it ..but why is it you just cannot seem to kick into gear to make it happen !.. you know you did it all before and it worked so why is it just not working this time, you have some idea on the steps to take but it almost feels a little hazy, it is almost like someone has forgotten to put the fuel in your tank or turn the light on to shine the path… what happened to the once had momentum.

What has changed?

 Perhaps asking the question of what has changed maybe the first sign of the wrong question…

Perhaps putting the Focus and energy into the NOT ! is the exact problem.

 Have you ever heard the term where your Focus goes is where the energy flows?

 As Tony Robbins says, energy flows where attention goes. To get what you really want in life, you need a clear goal that has purpose and meaning behind it. Once this is in place, you can focus your energy on the goal and become obsessive about it.

 But what happens when you know your goal and you feel clear on it … but still nothing.

 Could it be you have outgrown your process/strategy on how you do things… could your strategy be leading you into comfort town rather than Growth Zone… 

What would happen if we flipped the question and asked…

 What Needs to Change?... could your so-called “clear goal” not be so clear anymore … or could it have changed all together or perhaps your goal is sitting on the bottom of the pile of paperwork and you cannot see it each day for it to be Obsessive !.

 So when your feeling like you have gone off track, nothing seems to be working or cannot seem to kick into gear here are a couple of things to think about

  1. Vision and your Goals… do they light you up and ignite you or do they make you sit in comfort…? Are they really your Vision and Goals or are they someone else's, do you really want it anymore or have things shifted and changed. 
  2. Take Check with your Time… where are you putting your energy and focus on is it in the place you should be or is it taking you further away from moving you forward. Who and what are you giving your time to… is it a negative energy flow. 
  3. Excuse Checker… when sitting in comfort town then likely your making and creating some great excuses as to why you cannot or should not do things…. Ahh I love this one this is my biggest Trigger when things are not working because quite often the excuse radar is off the charts… if your finding that your making way more excuses then usual then perhaps grab a mirror and Check in to your Excuses. 
  4. Habit Hole… Are you trying to change too many things at once? Finding yourself in a habit hole can be steering you off path.. if you are trying to create too many new habits or get rid of too many bad ones all at once this can send you into a Habit Hole, where they seems to be so conflicting, confusing and overwhelming that you end up not creating or ridding any… just a constant circle of Habits lost in a hole.
  5. In your Head…. Are you constantly in your head … thinking about all the things that are not happening … putting your energy into negative thoughts will not help you get out and move forward … flip the thinking – be aware when the negative thoughts arise and work on reframing the thought.


Its never a nice thing to be stuck in the place of Nothing Seems to Work… and often this could be about the things we are tolerating in our lives, the thought alone can be overwhelming and exhausting.

 I have created a tool to help understand what is cluttering your Mind and Slowing you Down .. Download your Free Copy and Start Moving Forward




