The title is a bit misleading because in life everything is a negotiation. We negotiate with…
· The alarm clock.
· What we have for breakfast.
· What our kids want for breakfast.
· How much screen time our kids get.
Those are the simple things we negotiate everyday, but there are more complex things we negotiate as well…
· The price for a car.
· The fee for the HVAC guy.
The key is where do you start? I always go back to the heuristic of the Hierarchy of Ideas from NLP and the model I morphed it into for business.
All Agreement is Found Between Solving the Other Persons Problem or Accomplishing the Other Persons Goals and Vice Versa!
The key is understanding what is the problem the other person is solving or what goal they’re trying to accomplish? If you can get them to feel as if they have accomplished their mission and feel good about what you accomplished on your side then the negotiation is a success.
The key is to not over negotiate. I had a conversation with a lawyer today who was helping me close a deal. He said, “How do you feel about $X as being the price?” I said, “If that is what you want, then great!” He asked, “Why did you say it that way?” I said, “I learned in situations like these that if I can give you what you want then I will receive full value on the back end. If I negotiate with you, you may negotiate your time and value on the backend with me.”
In the end I could of negotiated, but it could have cost me a lot more than just paying the freight the gentleman was asking for.
The key is making sure you get your outcome. Here is what you need to know or ask to successful negotiate…
1. What is your goal?
2. What is your higher purpose?
3. What problem are you trying to solve?
4. How much is it worth to you?
5. What is their goal?
6. What is their higher purpose?
7. What problem are they trying to solve?
8. How much is it worth to them?
Negotiate trying to solve all goals, purposes and problems and you will come out ahead. This is over simplified, but a great start to negotiate successfully!