“Well, such wonders happen only in the movies. I don’t have the talent or resources to achieve my dreams”.
Typical thoughts that rings the next day after watching an inspiring movie or reading an inspirational story. While watching or reading we are in a state of high energy fully influenced by the story of some big achievement, that pushes the adrenalin up and we feel convinced that we can achieve even greater.
But just after a night’s sleep the emotions start waning away and belief gets weaker.
Scriptures say, “Faith comes from hearing and hearing”.
Few days after a motivational workshop one of the attendees wrote to the motivational speaker that his enthusiasm and motivation has vanished and the speaking has not helped him change his conviction. The speaker wrote back to him, “Sir it took me several years to become a speaker after years of relentless efforts and how can you expect your life to change in 2 days. You have to keep listening to several speeches and practice them diligently”
Research on the forgetting curve shows that within one hour, people will have forgotten an average of 50 percent of the information you presented. Within s 24 hours, they have forgotten an average of 70 percent of new information, and within a week, forgetting claims an average of 90 percent of it. Some people remember more or less, but in general, the situation is appalling, and it is the dirty secret of corporate training: no matter how much you invest into training and development, nearly everything you teach to your employees will be forgotten. Indeed, although corporations spend 60 billion dollars a year on training, this investment is like pumping gas into a car that has a hole in the tank. All of your hard work simply drains away - Art Kohn
Let us go back on history and imagine the days of battles. Those were the dark times when there were no electricity or microphones to speak into. However, the General in command used to succeed in motivating thousands of his men to go and fight the enemies. Quite often we see in epic movies, the head of troops rides his horse around and in between the assembled army of battle fighters speaking aloud inspiring them. The soldiers fight so inspired that they give out all their energy. How could his speech be heard by 1000s of men in the Army? His speech used to stir up the soldiers to give up their lives for the cause. Alexander the great used to command an army of 47,000 soldiers. How was it possible for one person to influence the emotions of thousands through speeches without microphone or any sound systems etc.? They were able to maintain constant emotional bonding to commitments and dedication without modern day gadgets.
In today’s digital world all kinds of devices are there to reach millions in few seconds and influence their thinking. But in reality hardly very few get inspired and change their world of living. Majority of people give up very easily and slip into the old behaviors after few hours of inspirational encounters.
Feeling upbeat during a motivational session is not great. What happens after leaving the workshop room counts.
It is not difficult to feel highly inspired while watching an inspirational video or reading an inspiration story. But it is very important to feel inspired even after the day passes.
What happens when the music stops? I have attended exciting motivational workshops and have also conducted few of those sessions as speaker and trainer. Usually after couple of days the initial boost of energy and determination fades away. Quite often I wonder why only very few are able to take their lives forward based on what they hear or read. It is all about what each one wants out of their lives and how badly they want it.
To be in groove all the time requires more than ordinary efforts. Our mind gets easily tired on repetition. But repetition slowly becomes a habit.
“Practice makes man perfect”. This needs to be changed as “Practice brings improvement all the time”, as there are no perfect things in this world. Everything has room for improvement.
To achieve greater success, it is inevitable to stay motivated even after the music dies. Some of the techniques that has worked and from what I have observed in successful people are –
1) Reading – One book a week. This has big influence in our thought process and helps in keeping focused. Re – reading the same book will introduce new ideas and strategies. Second and third time we read a book, we learn newer things every time.
2) Listening – Everyday listen to motivational talks. Listen to the same speech every day for 10 to 15 days and every time we will learn new concepts.
3) Watch – Inspirational movie or video many number of times until it becomes a contributing factor in your life.
4) Quotes – Read few of them every morning and re read later during the day
5) Goals – Keep them handy, written and read them several times during the day.
6) Reasons – Write down why you want something badly and read them every day.
7) Practice – Follow the good and effective habits even if they get boring after some time until it becomes a routine. For example, waking up early every morning or cutting down on certain foods.
8) Music – Play that motivation song or music often that pumps up the adrenalin in you.
9) Be with people who are trying to do what you want in life.
10) Keep pushing up your limits. There are no limits except the ones we make.
11) Discipline – Nothing in this world will work for you if there is no self-control. Stand guard at the door of your mind and put in only what inspires.
12) Keep working – Weight gain would have taken a long time. It will take almost that long to actually shed…
‘Our mind is like the weeds that grow on the sidewalks. They don’t need to be watered every day, but to grow orchids it needs utmost care of soil and sunlight” – LES BROWN.
If it gets boring, don’t give up. Instead change the routine or method. If reading gives you sleep, try to read walking or standing till you feel fresh and focused.
The Chinese bamboo tree takes 5 years to break off the ground after planting the seed. But during these 5 years if it is not watered even for one day, it will die. But after the 5th year it grows 90 feet tall in 90 days.
Similarly, it will take long to very long to materialize a vision or a dream, but it is essential to keep trying harder in spite of criticisms and discouragements. All who ridiculed will be dumbstruck when you achieve what you have been trying hard for a long time.
When you are constantly working on something, the mind will expand and bring innovative ideas and thoughts.
Training is not complete until you are trained. Rome was not built in one day..
Don't let the music ever stop inside you..