When many things worry you, it’s time to pause for self-love
Photo by Stephanie Cristal D.

When many things worry you, it’s time to pause for self-love

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Content for The Hangry Wife's Stories Episode 4


Emotional wellness:

When many things worry you, it’s time to pause for self-love
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Photo by Stephanie Cristal D.

As someone who does risk management since 2013, I have a personal vault I called my Life Blueprint which consists of Key Risk Indicators (KRIs) with early signs to warn me about the well-being of different parts of my life.

One of my KRIs will trigger a warning when I catch myself being anxious and worried about things for more than one whole day.

When this happens, I will ask myself these questions to evaluate if it is a legit matter to think about over and over again, or if it is just because my lack of self-love and self-care has eventually put me in a place where I start doubting myself and being drifted away from my true identity, causing me to be weaker than I should be and easily attacked mentally and emotionally:

  • How is my personal walk with God lately?

  • The thing that I am worried or fearful about, is it a reality or just my assumption and imagination?

  • If someone else in this situation came to me seeking advice, what would I say to her?

Let's try this out with a credible scenario

Say, I don't feel comfortable about this lady who is our mutual friend but has been contacting my husband for different favors instead of reaching out to me. Or you can think of a relatable scenario you have been through when you dealt with jealousy issues to follow me through this example.

Now, answering each of the questions above:

  • If I have been in God's presence daily, my mind and heart will have been filled with His Word and His promises, and I will have had faith in His sovereignty that He is always protecting my marriage, keeping my husband and me faithful to each other. Then, my discomfort will not be quickly magnified into jealousy and then fear.

  • In this case, I am a little concerned with this lady friend's intention. But her being ill-intention is still just my imagination of a worse possibility. When I look from my husband's point of view, his attitude towards her requests for favors is indifferent to how he handles other similar requests from his guy friends. So, I should stop feeding my emotion by rehearsing in my mind as if there was already something going on between them.

  • Looking at this from a third person's point of view, I would advise myself to have an honest and respectful conversation with my husband to let him know my concern, while making sure I am spiritually filled with God and His Word, so that I don't give rooms for overthinking without a basis.

Usually, running through these 3 questions will help to relieve me from more than half of my self-created worries and fears. Because sometimes (most of the time), I probably just think too much.

The idea is, don't let ourselves waste too much energy on the unnecessary things in life and miss the precious moments of loving each other.

Now it's your turn to try

Firstly, find out what your usual pattern is when your well-being is running low. This will be your trigger.

Secondly, brainstorm for 2-3 qualifying questions to help you filter out the legit matters.

Last but not least, imagine your usual pattern is triggered on a normal day. Run through your qualifying questions to see if they help you look at matters more rationally before you get sucked into the rapid emotional downward spiral by self-created worry or fear.

I would love to hear your trigger and qualifying questions, write to me!


Insider Skincare Secrets:

My V Magic? White Serum shocking experiment with data
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Credit: V Magic? Philippines

I don't like sticky skincare products on my face.

And if you have read my earlier skincare stories, you will know that for a big chunk of my twenties, I was searching for and trying all kinds of skincare products to treat pigmentation and spots.

I have developed an irregular spread of spots on my face since a very young age, believed to be due to frequent heavy makeup for stage performances with no proper cleaning each time. I could remember being all dolled up for stage performances at many events from as early as when I was three years old, and I could trace the relatively biggest spot on my left cheek to when I was 13 from my early secondary-school pictures!

When I started trying V Magic? skincare products in 2022, I had the V Magic? White Serum (the W Serum) as part of my recommended skincare treatment routine. I applied it at night as the last step in my skincare routine after toner and the H Serum (for deep hydration), and I found it kind of sticky.

For that reason, sometimes I would skip applying the W Serum after the H Serum. And then there was a period of totally not using V Magic? skincare products for half a year during my transition to Australia because I eventually ran out of stock and could not find them here.

Fast forward to January 2023 when I was finally trained properly under the brand as a Biotech Skincare Adviser and to bring V Magic? into the Australian market, my first step was naturally to use only V Magic? skincare products to thoroughly experience its effect and results on my own face, so that I could have the practical encounter of the products to strengthen my theoretical knowledge about each of them and what they respectively do to our facial skin.

Guess what? Known as the brand's super-power repair serum for treating spots and damaged skin (scars) while evening skin tones, the W Serum got back into my skincare routine. Welcome back, sticky nights? Or not?

Well, to be fair, the W Serum is not as sticky as I might have made it feel here. It absorbs quite quickly into the deep layers of the skin in my own experience. I am just an OCD person liking everything I touch to feel smooth and clean, and a lightly sticky face feels like a sweaty, dirty face - psychologically.

So, it did not take too long until I started occasionally skipping on the W Serum again especially when the weather got humid, especially throughout the entire first half of my trip back to Malaysia in May for my mom's major operation and immediate recovery phase.

Then on one fateful day, I visited the local V Magic? team one Senior Adviser had my face scanned by the facial analyser machine. Look at my numbers on 27 May 2023:

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Source: V Magic?

It's no secret now that I am now 33. On 27 May 2023, my overall skin age as shown in the middle of this facial analysis summary was as per my biological age, 33. I remember the days when my skin age used to be older than my biological age. Anyway, pay attention to the bottom three areas of concern - Skin Tone, UV Spot, and Spot. By skin age, they were all older than my biological age. For example, my Spot condition was at a level where an average female at the age of 35 would have.

Looking at this result, the Senior Adviser asked if I was using the W Serum, because it was a no-brainer option to treat my Skin Tone, UV Spot, and Spot condition. Having understood my concern with the 'sticky' feel, she encouraged me to be committed to applying the W Serum day and night with only 2-2-1 drops (2 drops on each cheek and 1 drop on the forehead) after the H Serum, and come back in two weeks to see the difference.

Alright, here is a personal confession. As a V Magic? Skincare Adviser, I always have in my head that I can trust the V Magic? skincare products because they are effective and safe, said to be effective from the first drop.

I have felt the difference after using these products myself, but this knowledge and visual progress by bare eyes were still lacking some kind of unbeatable proof to form my solid belief in how effective each of the products is. Because let's be honest, we have all been 'hurt and cheated' by too many skincare products out there since the time we knew about using a facial cleanser. Such bad experiences have formed a certain sticky belief about skincare products deep in us which can be hard to rebuild.

So, I took the advice and diligently apply the W Serum without skipping day and night, despite the humid weather in Malaysia. I also figured out a way to address the 'sticky face' problem by applying a thin layer of the V Magic? Bee Venom Age-Frozen Creme a few minutes after the W Serum is absorbed into my face more, which is surprisingly not greasy, and it seals and locks the moisture in - no more sticky face!

On 15 June 2023, I went back for another follow-up scan to see the result of my over 2-week diligence with the W Serum, without expecting too much. Look at my numbers, OMG!

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Source: V Magic?

My overall skin age grew two years younger in less than a month! And the respective skin ages for Skin Tone, UV Spot, and Spot all came down to match my biological age. I also noticed an overall improvement for all concern areas except for Moisture as it has already been well maintained by the H Serum.

Please bear in mind that these were numbers of my skin condition during an environment of irregular sleep in and out of the hospital caring for my mom the entire month. Critically, I must say I was and am still very impressed to see the effectiveness of the W Serum by the data. You bet I have never skipped the W Serum any day now - no one in the right mind would after experiencing this transformation with the W Serum!

I could not keep this to myself and reached out to my every existing V Magic? customer who is undergoing their skincare transformation journey with me and has the W Serum as part of their skincare routine, to share this experiment and encourage them to stay diligent in applying their W Serum, plus the tips on addressing the sticky face if they have the same concern as me about it.

Formulated to accelerate the recovery of damaged skin cells (caused by air pollution, UV rays, unhealthy lifestyle, pressure, and more), the four key ingredients in the W Serum penetrate into deep layers of skin cells for precise actions:

  • Premium Swiftlet Nest Extract: A potent antioxidant, is rich in epidermal growth factor, polypeptides, amino acids, and microelements. It signals cells to boost collagen and elastin production and speeds up wound recovery for youthful firmness and glow.

  • Centella Asiatica Extract: Expedites wound recovery, and rebuilds and strengthens the cells' protective barrier.

  • Tranexamic Acid 2%: Lightens pigmentation by accelerating the recovery of the damaged skin barrier and thus preventing the formation of more melanin than required to protect the skin.

  • ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate): The energy-carrying molecule that increases the cells' activity and metabolism rates, energises the skin cells, penetrates deep in the skin, and is anti-inflammatory and effective in providing anti-aging protection.

Now is your turn to share your skincare stories with me. Have you experienced very effective and safe skincare products before as well? Tag me in the comment and share with us.

If you would like to learn more about your facial skin and the suitable skincare products your skin needs, I do 1-on-1 facial skin analysis and it is complimentary for my subscriber, so feel free to reach out to me.



The Angry Wife Novel:

  • A fiction inspired by real-life lessons learned from doing marriage together

Episode 4: And they all flew off into the night sky
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Artwork by Stephanie Cristal D.

The house was dark. There was no trace of warmth in the air, leaving this Winter night feeling even more chilly like needles poking into my bones.

I stepped into the empty house and slowly closed the door behind me. I didn't turn on the light. My eyes soon adapted to the darkness with the night light coming in through the floor-to-ceiling window in front of the living area.

I walked heavily across the dining area, stepping two stairs down towards the living area, and then slowly dropped myself onto the bright brown leather couch as I gazed through the night view on the other side of the window.

I turned and looked at the couch that I was sitting on. It was a few years ago when we first saw it displayed in front of a furniture showroom where we randomly went window shopping. I have seen many luxurious or comfortable couch sets, but I fell in love with this set at first sight.

Ah, we ended up scrolling through that showroom because we were waiting for our movie time at a nearby cinema. I chuckled to myself: he has always liked watching movies. At the thought of that, my smile froze, and I looked through the wide window in front of me.

Is he on his way to the cinema now? Has he eaten dinner? Is he feeling lonely and disappointed because I chose work over him on a special day of ours?

"It's always about me."

"He felt neglected for too long."

Words from Daisy J an hour ago still kept lingering in my mind as I fell deeper and deeper into a sense of deep guilt and regret.

Have I also been selfish and self-centered, that I have not cared enough for my husband's needs or spent enough quality time with him? That it's all about me?

Yes, we were always together, but were we wholly present for each other, or were we just being in the same space but our hearts were far apart in different worlds?

Suddenly, a series of bright lights on the wide balcony outside the window and the sliding glass doors caught my attention and pulled me back from the raging seas of my emotions.

It took me two seconds to make sense of what I saw orchestrated in front of my eyes.

Rows of tiny yellow light bulbs were lit up, dangling throughout the ceiling of our balcony. And then on the grass carpet, one after another rolls of light each shaped and wrapped like a huge rose started lighting up, forming a line, and slowly drew a big heart.. with a tail.. My eyes were chasing the moving light line until it finally stopped at the end of the heart tail. Next to the last light rose that lit up, I saw a pair of feet.

My empty heart was instantly filled until overflowing when I realised whose pair of feet that was. My vision started getting a little blurry as my sight moved upwards from that pair of feet to reveal the face of the man I missed so much since listening to Daisy J.

There he was, standing there in his long winter jacket and the grey beanie which I bought for him last winter, with the wide smile he always gave me, holding a bunch of plum-colored helium balloons among two heart-shaped foil balloons.

Only when I felt the warmth of his hug that I realised I had walked past the sliding glass doors and towards him at the corner of the heartfeltly decorated balcony.

"..I am sorry," I murmured in his embrace.

With his ballon hand wrapping around my waist, he wiped the tears on my cheek with his fingers on the other hand and I heard him chuckle as he said, "For coming home earlier and giving me a happy surprise? Thank you."

It was a beautiful moment that I seriously wanted to freeze and frame into our memories until we heard a spark along with a burning smell.

"Oh, man!" He abruptly let go of me and whatever he was holding in his hands and rushed into the sliding glass doors.


Courageous Husband:

Rebuilding trust after a jealousy-related argument
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Photo by Stephanie Cristal D.

If you have a wife who would reach out to you and honestly share with you how she feels about certain women or behaviors around you which make her uneasy, you are blessed among the husbands for having found a wife who sincerely wants to work on protecting your marriage together with you, instead of keeping concerns to herself and suddenly erupting into a serious consequence one day that might catch you by a huge surprise (as in, shock).

Firstly, let's address a few common misunderstandings that husbands may have when they hear their wife telling them her concerns about this matter.

Does she not trust me?

That's an incorrect thought, to begin with. If she doesn't trust you, she will have more things to handle instead of coming to you to initiate such difficult conversations. She will need to find an opportune time to check your phone behind your back for calls and chat history. She will need to set up smart traps to test you on your faithfulness via how you respond to her trick questions. She will have to subtly and smartly 'check-in' with your close friends and colleagues to fish for useful indicators. Oh yes, she will be busy a big time!

But for her to come to you and discuss her concerns with you directly? That means she trusts you and knows that you are the safest place for her to expose her own vulnerability.

Why does she like to get into a fight for nothing?

The biggest driver for her to bring this matter to you early - before any unwanted thing could have a chance to begin - is to avoid getting into a real fight with you on matters around unfaithfulness. She wants to protect this marriage together with you, and she knows open communication is the only way.

Sure, raising such a matter is uncomfortable, and as much as she honestly doesn't start the conversation with the intention to argue or fight with you, part of the conversation can be sensitive and might accidentally trigger unhealed hurt or unaddressed fear in the past in both of you. And oops, you might actually end up arguing or fighting a little. But, remember that fighting is not her intention. So don't attack her back as if she is your No.1 enemy. Be extra calm and patient.

Can't she just move on by assuming the best of me?

You probably think you have swallowed your jealousy and possessiveness over her many times when there were some guys who like to stick around her, or whom she talks to you about sometimes, assuming the best of her. So it's natural that you expect the same grace from her for you. Nothing wrong with that.

But the truth is, she probably has had her moments swallowing her jealousy and possessiveness over you too. She dreads having to talk to you about concerns like this too. Because for her to tell you that she feels uncomfortable with some other women or their behaviors around you, she most likely has gone through not under 20 times of struggling internally with whether to talk to you about it.

Firstly, she knows you never like it based on past experience of having such conversations with you. Secondly, sharing a concern like this is like admitting plainly that she feels inferior, even if she has no reason to believe or think of herself that way. It just always makes her feel small to have to feel compared with another woman. So, be kind to her like you would like her to be kind to you on this matter.

Now, having cleared up some misunderstandings you might have had about your wife when she brings up such conversations, by being more gracious and understanding of where she comes from, hopefully this can help to reduce the possibility of you contributing to turning a healthy conversation like this into an argument or a fight.

But if you still end up arguing or fighting because of having such conversations, quickly get back to rebuilding trust after a jealousy-related argument or cold war.

How? Go through the three points above to renew your mind about how you think of her in this whole situation. Have you been blaming her for causing this fight? Does it help you to forgive her and be more understanding to her after revisiting the explanation for each of the three common misunderstandings elaborated above?

I will be thrilled to learn from you about better ways you have tried to successfully reduce such fear or jealousy in each other, and better ways to rebuild trust afterwards which worked for you.



Risk management bite:

My Top Risk List - might not be what you expect to see
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Source: Uber

In the last episode, I illustrated in depth to show you why knowing your life goals is your first step to discovering major potholes (risks) that could affect your journey towards pursuing what you want to achieve.

Our life is all about managing risks to help us get closer to what we want and where we want to be:

  • When you set your morning alarm, you are reducing your risk of getting late to start your day.

  • When you carry a power bank everywhere you go, you are reducing the risk of your phone battery dying while you are outside.

  • When you call for an Uber ride, you are transferring your risk of getting stressed up by the terrible traffic & parking trouble to the Uber driver.

  • When you decide not to start a relationship with a man with violence issues, you are eliminating your risk of getting domestic abuse.

  • When you decide to take a 2-year unpaid leave to follow your husband's job relocation, you are taking a higher risk of getting left behind in your career growth in order to grab a greater opportunity of building a stronger marriage and living together.

Yes. High risk, high return. Low risk, low return.

Life is not just about avoiding or reducing risks all the time, it's also about taking acceptable risks to create greater opportunities sometimes.

We make many decisions based on risk considerations every day without us realising it.

When we approach risk systematically, we can achieve many more goals in our life - in our relationships, business, career, etc.

What are some of the risks that people are addressing in life?

So I decided to keep a Top Risk List - not as formal as the type the large organisations are usually looking at but equally (or more) meaningful to you in your day-to-day life.

Let me share the major causes of the top risks identified in my most recent risk assessments on business, marriage, and career goals respectively.


  • A major cause of the top risks: Not prepared for obstacles.
  • Risk symptoms: Your business recently got badly affected by a sudden incident. Your business isn't performing as well as before.


  • A major cause of the top risks: Husband not leading enough.
  • Risk symptoms: Your wife always gets upset at you and you don't know why. You feel inferior to your wife so she decides on most things.


  • A major cause of the top risks: Not driving personal career development.
  • Risk symptoms: You have missed several job deadlines. You haven't been promoted in 2 years. You think your boss doesn't like you.

Having learned how to anchor on your goals when you address your major potholes (risks) from what I shared in the last episode, using this simple format above, can you start thinking of an area in your life that concerns you - your nearest goal for the next three months? Then, consider what could be the major causes that could stop you from achieving your goal, and what symptoms you should watch out for.

Write to me about what you come up with, and we can bounce thoughts over it.

As always, these are my personal take on risk management. I am keen to hear yours. What is the one thing I shared about risk in this episode that is remarkable to you?


Career bite:

Promo Lever 3: Maximise your functional skills development
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Credit: Feodora

In the first March episodes, I shared the top 3 common career-killing mistakes that most young professionals make at work, which have been quietly but surely delaying their career growth and job promotion.

This ultimately means they take longer than they have to to get each promotion, and every year of not being promoted could mean losing thousands of dollars for even an entry-level young professional. You can read it here if you missed it.

In the April episode, the May episode, this June episode, and the following four episodes, I will be sharing the 7 key Promotion Levers each with real-life examples, so that you can visualize how to apply them in your situation to accelerate your career growth and job promotion.

Promo Lever 3: Maximise your functional skills development

This is usually one of the major requirements for your promotion alongside your appraisal cycle requirements. It assesses your 'technical skill' in performing your core job function.


Find out from your HR about your functional skills required for each job grade. Identify your current functional skills level, and compare that with the functional skills level required for your next job grade to see if there is any gap to focus on.

A Real-life Example (based on a true story)

Joyce is currently in the Enterprise Risk Management functional skills group.


Her functional skills level will be assessed by?8 different skills, and the?requirements?for her current job grade of?E1-G1?are as below:

  • Risk Governance: Awareness.
  • Context Setting: Awareness.
  • Risk Identification: Knowledge.
  • Risk Analysis: Knowledge.
  • Risk Evaluation: Knowledge.
  • Risk Treatment: Awareness.
  • Risk Assurance: Awareness.
  • Risk Monitoring & Review: Awareness.


Upon doing her?self-assessment, she has identified her?current?functional skills level as below:

  • Risk Governance: Awareness.
  • Context Setting: Knowledge.
  • Risk Identification: Knowledge.
  • Risk Analysis: Knowledge.
  • Risk Evaluation: Knowledge.
  • Risk Treatment: Awareness.
  • Risk Assurance: Awareness.
  • Risk Monitoring & Review: Awareness.


To prepare herself for her next promotion, she compares her current functional skills level with the following?requirements for her next job grade of?E1-G2?to identify?her gaps, if any:

  • Risk Governance: Knowledge.?(GAP)
  • Context Setting: Knowledge.?(MEET)
  • Risk Identification: Knowledge.?(MEET)
  • Risk Analysis: Knowledge.?(MEET)
  • Risk Evaluation: Knowledge.?(MEET)
  • Risk Treatment: Knowledge.?(GAP)
  • Risk Assurance: Awareness.?(MEET)
  • Risk Monitoring & Review: Knowledge.?(GAP)


Based on her functional skills gap assessment above, she has identified?3 skills that she needs to focus on developing?in order to match her functional skills level to that of E1-G2 requirements (the next job grade she targets to get promoted to).


During her annual KPIs setting discussion with her superior, she can?negotiate with her superior?to assign her to business objectives that can develop the following 3 skills to help close her gap, with examples of action steps she can take:

  • Risk Governance:

To complete her Risk Governance & Framework training in Quarter 1 to understand the framework that governs risk management practices in the company.


  • Risk Treatment:

To participate in the upcoming risk profiling workshop as a scribe to document how risk mitigations are developed to treat the identified risks during the workshop.


  • Risk Monitoring & Review:

To produce monthly risk monitoring reports and be familiarised with how risk is being monitored and reviewed over time.

By identifying your current functional skills level and comparing it with the functional skills required for your next job grade, you can clearly see if there is any skill with the gap that you need to focus on this year, and then seek your superior's support to tailor your KPIs with business objectives that can help to close your gap.

Once you have met the functional skills requirements of the next job grade which you target to get promoted to, it will make your promotion so natural when you have fulfilled other promotion requirements like the minimum appraisal cycle.



Where to go, what to do:

Evening walk at your nearest park
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Photo by Stephanie Cristal D.

I recently did my full-body health screening; my cholesterol level was still high despite showing a slight reduction from the previous health screening.

If you have known me long enough, even just from the launch of this Hangry Wife's Stories Newsletter a few months back, you would have known that I am a serious foodie, but I have also been very intentional in choosing healthier and more balanced meals each day.

The only area I haven't done enough (consistently) for many years is my daily activity level. I have not been exercising much on a regular basis.

I knew I have put enough effort into watching my diet, it's time to get into some sustainable exercise routine.

I don't enjoy the shock that running sends through my whole body, and I don't like to get tanned or sunburnt outdoors. I did try home workouts from time to time, but every time something came up to stop my momentum, that's when it would take me super long to resume and stay on track.

Recently, I have developed a discipline for walking. And it can double as a date when you choose a nice park for walking - though it definitely doesn't look like a leisure date when we do fast walking.

Anyway, if you have been wanting to bring more movement into your day, why not try walking fast at a nearby park? Let's do that together.

Don't forget to snap some pictures for memory - after all, it's a date, right?


What to eat:

Manh-i meogja at Queen Street Mall
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Source: Korilla BBQ Restaurant

My husband and I lived in Geoje from January 2018 to January 2020 for his work project, and we came back to Malaysia just right before COVID-19 hit the world.

Those were the most beautiful two years we have had in our marriage, exploring a new country with new cultures just the two of us.

Undoubtedly, we have grown into loving some Korean food, like Kimchi (fermented vegetables most commonly using napa cabbage or Korean radish) Haejjangguk (pork bone hangover soup), Bibimbap (rice with mixed/leftover dishes), Tteokbokki (rice cakes served in sweet and spicy sauce), and of course, the Korean fried chicken coated in various sauces.

In Brisbane City, we frequent the Korean restaurant Maru, mainly for its Haejjangguk. But recently, we visited another Korean restaurant at the heart of Brisbane City serving what I would call, much more authentic-tasting dishes - Korilla BBQ Restaurant.

To be fair, we have only been there once and have only tried two dishes on their menu. But both were full of flavors! You may want to try:

  • Wagyu Sweet Soy Beef Bibimbab with Raw Egg Yolk AU$20
  • Beef Short Soup with Clear Noodle Soup AU$25

We will definitely be back to try more of their other dishes. Meanwhile, if you have been there, let me know what your recommended Must-Try as well as Must-Avoid dishes are.


What to watch:

Watch this before planning for your next trip to South Korea
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Source: Netflix

The Korean food talk is not over yet in this episode of our Newsletter.

You have got to watch this K Food Show: A Nation of Broth documentary on Netflix, bringing you through an adventure exploring different types of broths in South Korea.

After watching this documentary, we plan to re-watch it before our next trip to South Korea to plan out our itinerary, this time with a focused mission - to try all these delicious broths!

Which Korean food is your favorite so far?


What to buy:

A carpet, cushions, LED string lights, and pots of plants!
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Photo by Stephanie Cristal D.

Yes, we are going to set up a romantic corner at home for a nice chill-out area. It can be on your balcony, a suitable corner of your house, or in an extra room, let your creativity and imagination run freely!

I think the picture speaks a thousand words, and you can definitely do better than our super quick setup on our balcony. Get a carpet that you like, arrange a few pots of plants or flowers or candles along the side, get your favorite cushions or beanbags, and turn on some LED string lights.

Don't forget to share pictures of your cozy, romantic corners with me too, tag me in the comment with your pictures. Cheers!


What to listen to:

Original single – Mommy’s Thanksgiving
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Artwork by Stephanie Cristal D.

I shared about my mom's episodes of medical history and her recent battle in the May newsletter. You can read it here if you haven't.

Not long after she woke up from the recent major operation, she went through a series of complications. Those were the hardest two weeks I had gone through for the past many years of taking care of her through her previous medical episodes. At some point, I really thought that would be it for her, for our mom.

I remember at the end of the second week, when my husband had gone back to work in Australia after the first week and then came back again a week later, when I got to spend time with him at the end of those challenging two weeks, I broke down as I finally shared with him all my fears and worries.

He comforted me and reminded me, that if we believed in God, whether this would be the final journey of my mom's life or my mom would make it through, then there was nothing to worry about but only to praise Him for His faithfulness and sovereignty.

So we both kneeled down and prayed to praise God and give Him all glory for everything He has done for us.

You won't believe this, but from the next day onwards, one after another of my mom's complications started subsiding. She began to feel better and regained her joy as she used to.

I wanted to encourage her to do something that she likes, so she would not feel frustrated for just laying on the hospital bed for the third week. My best idea was for her to write her thanksgiving, as she sometimes writes poems, and I told her I will help her to turn it into a song.

I knew her enough - she was immediately excited by the idea and texted me her thanksgiving poem within 10 minutes. That was super fast!

Fast forward to about one month later, after several times of her following up with me about the progress of her song, I finally got to work on the song with my husband the guitarist and bassist, and send her a decent recording of her song last night.

This is also the main reason this month's Newsletter was delayed in publishing for a few days, as the song composition and recording took a little longer than expected with multiple travels in between. Thank you for your great patience if you have been wondering why you haven't heard from me about June's Newsletter yet.

Here are the lyrics with the English translation, and you can listen to it here on my YouTube channel:


Throughout my life


God has given me all His grace


In my heart there is only gratefulness


No matter what I encounter


Sickness or suffering


The LORD overcomes each one with me


There is no greater love than He


He always places miracles on my body


I can only be thankful


A husband who loves me


And three considerate and filial daughters



What more can I ask for

Have you been blessed by this song? If so, please leave us a comment on my YouTube channel to let us know.


What to read:

The book that helps me become happier and more beautiful
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Photo by Stephanie Cristal D.

I have been introducing English books since the first episode of this Newsletter in March. In this episode, I would like to share this Mandarin book which I enjoy reading very much lately. I will update this section if I get to find its English version in the future.

I would personally translate the title《当你又忙又美,何惧患得患失》by 梁爽 as "hen you are busy getting beautiful, you have no time for any fear or worry".

So, for my friends and Subscribers who can read Mandarin, I know many of you will enjoy reading this book because it's really interesting and enlightening. It's more like a therapy where it guides you to adopt a different mindset about the daily little things in life that can add up to much stress when we don't learn to handle each well and put them in their right place.

Here are some reviews from other readers about this book. If you have read it, tell me what's your biggest takeaway. I can't do with one, I have too many even from the first chapter itself!



Featured article:

Growing into our true identity
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Credit: Juanmonino

A senior pastor and minister once asked us this question during a small-group discipleship session: "Are you a saint or a sinner?"

When it was my turn to answer, thinking about the areas I still struggled with, I said, "I know I should be a saint by the power of the Holy Spirit to live a holy life, but I think I am still a sinner."

After hearing everyone's thoughts on that question, he reminded all of us that we are all called to be saints. It is a calling from God, an identity given to us who believe in His Son Christ Jesus as our redeeming Savior.

He went on to explain how medical students who just graduated and entered the workforce at the hospital might not feel like they are now doctors. Nothing much has changed in their skills and knowledge from their graduation last week to their first week at work, but they have a new identity now. They are now doctors in charge of human life and no longer medical students churning through books of theories.

They can't go on in their new identity with the accountability and commitment of a student, more accountabilities are now expected of them. Even if they make mistakes that their new identity as doctors should not make, it doesn't revert their identity back to medical students. They have to brace for the challenging transition process and make time to grow into the capacity of the accountabilities that come with their new identity.

What he said really sticks with me through many years until today. It has become one of the greatest encouragements to me when I feel small and not measured up to the saint God has called me to be.

What about you? What would be your answer to the question, "Are you a saint or a sinner?"

I hope this short article helps to affirm our identity in Christ and encourages us to brace for the transition process as we make an intentional effort to grow into our new identity as true worshippers in Christ.


Monthly themed devotionals:

Returning to God
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Artwork by Stephanie Cristal D.

Our Scriptures this month are themed around turning from our former way of life and choosing to live for God's glory each day.

If you are always on the go, put on your earphones and click here to listen to the Worship with Stephanie audio episodes expanded from the following 5 Scriptures, where you can join me as I:

  • read out the Scripture for the episode,
  • guide you to reflect on how you can apply it to your life,
  • pray along with you, and
  • sing our praise and worship together unto God - all in 7 minutes for each episode.

Scripture 1: 1 John 1:9-10?

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Artwork by Stephanie Cristal D.

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. If we claim we have not sinned, we make him out to be a liar and his word has no place in our lives.

  • A lot of times when we recognize our sins, we naturally want to run away from God. Because sin cannot stand in the presence of holiness. But we have nowhere to hide, the only way to be set free is to bring our sins before God's holy throne, and receive His complete cleansing through the blood of Jesus Christ as we commit to repent and change our way of life.

  • Have you been running away from God? It's time to come home. Your shame, wound, and hurt will only heal completely in His presence of light.

Scripture 2: Romans 8:1

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Artwork by Stephanie Cristal D.

Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life set me free from the law of sin and death.

  • The first time someone asked me, "Are you a sinner or a saint?" I said "I think I'm a sinner though I know I should be a saint". This is a really powerful question to ask ourselves.

  • Many of us are saved spiritually: We accepted that Jesus has died for our sins, and we received His salvation. But mentally we still consider ourselves sinners, so every time when we fail to overcome sin, we learn to accept the lies that we are weak, we are sinners, we used to sin in this same area before anyway, we will never be able to overcome.

  • No, our past has been washed away when we came before Christ in repentance. You can overcome, don't let your past condemn you as you abide in Christ.

Scripture 3: Luke 9:23-25

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Artwork by Stephanie Cristal D.

Then he said to them all: "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will save it. What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, and yet lose or forfeit his very self?

  • This week for every night before you sleep, ask God to help you examine your heart and reveal to you any part of your life that doesn't please God. If you find it honestly difficult to turn away from it once and for all, remember that it is only a temporary pleasure that you will not be proud of some years down the road.

  • Your faith in Christ has justified you as righteous. The Holy Spirit will strengthen you to live a life that bears consistent good fruit as you follow Christ every moment.

Scripture 4: Galatians 2:20-21

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Artwork by Stephanie Cristal D.

I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. I do not set aside the grace of God, for if righteousness could be gained through the law, Christ died for nothing!"

  • Consider our sins in the past, having been forgiven by God in such great magnitude should only produce a natural heart of worship that results in us living a holy life worthy of God's forgiveness and love.

  • Think about any Christian way of living that has become a burden to you, like reading the Bible or praying to God daily. Renew your mind and start considering it as your way of loving God for His faithfulness to you, instead of treating it as part of a must-do list as a Christian. Find joy in connecting with God again this week.

Scripture 5: 1 Peter 5:8-10

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Artwork by Stephanie Cristal D.

Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that your brothers throughout the world are undergoing the same kind of sufferings. And the God of all grace, who called you to this eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast.

  • As you decide to commit your life to God again, Satan the devil will not be easy on you. But there is nothing to fear, for at the name of Jesus Christ, even the devil has to bow and confess that He is LORD.

  • So be strong if you have to go through suffering and challenging temptations from the enemy. Even Jesus was tempted, but the Holy Spirit through whom Jesus overcame the temptation is also with you to help you to be victorious through every difficult season. Stand firm in your faith.

If you would like to share this month's themed devotional with someone, here is the full version from which the content here is extracted.



Birthday shout-out:

Happy blessed birthday to our June babies
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Salties Emoji Artwork by Stephanie Cristal.D.

Mohammed Nabil. Teo Ai Ling. Poh Siew Nee. Joyce Shamini. Nasarudin Sapuan. Li Wei. Gabriella Abang Umis. William Wan. Alex Lee. Dave Kuan. John Goh. Gan Wei Di. Shan Shan.

Is it your birthday month, too? Join us and be part of the Salt Circle, don't forget to save your birth date.

As a birthday treat for each person in the Salt Circle, I am giving out 3x the Love Seeds (reward points) for every AU$1 you invested in any self-love products or services at Faithful Salt Solutions during your birth month or 20-day before or after your birth date.



Why 'Hangry Wife'?
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Photo by Stephanie Cristal D.

If you missed the Introduction to this Newsletter series, I highly recommend that you give it a read. It is available in the opening of the first episode.


Stephanie Cristal D.

Risk Management, Done Right — From Excessive Paperwork and Slow Decisions to Insights That Power Your Strategic Edge

1 年

Here's the content lineup for this 4th episode

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