When making the largest purchase in your life make sure you are a client and not a customer.

When making the largest purchase in your life make sure you are a client and not a customer.

When making the largest purchase in your life make sure you are a client and not a customer. I am your "guy" and have been for the past 30 years.

What do You Want?

We’ve all been customers and clients to different businesses. If I go to a 7-11 in the middle of nowhere, I’m a customer. Chances are I won’t be passing through that part of the country ever again. We’ve also been customers that could have been turned into a client but because of poor customer service, I would never do business with that company again

 Here is a shortlist of what you should be looking for.

1. A level of service that exceeds your expectation. Creating customer service that creates a “WOW” experience instead of “WHOA”,

2. To be treated special—from this first greeting to every communication thereafter.

3. You want me to answer, “I’ll get back to you” instead of “I’ll get on it right away”.

4. Clear communication with no surprises. You need to be kept in the loop, even when bumps happened along the way.

5. You deserve individualized solutions. In the mortgage and real estate industry, every transaction is different: different buyer/seller situations, different houses, and different circumstances. I'll ask you why you want a loan and discuss different ways to ways to accomplish YOUR goals.

6. Having their problems solved completely. I will not procrastinate or ignore problems as they will get worse, the longer I put them off.

7. Having your questions answered and information provided without strings attached. In today’s world, if I hold back on information, you can go somewhere else to get the information. from someone else. The freer I am in providing information, the more you will continue doing business with me.

8. I will get Get to know your needs and empower everyone on my team to do the same. As a mortgage professional, my team includes the receptionist, my lock person, my transaction coordinator, my processor, my underwriter, my title company provider, my underwriter, my closer, my insurance agent, etc. Other than the underwriter, chances are the rest of the team will be communicating with you at some point. Each person on my team needs to have the same core value for the customer as I do.

4. Lastly, I will stay in touch with you.

I will add regularly scheduled phone calls and create opportunities to check in with you a couple of times a year. Create educational seminars that bring value to your life. Hopefully, you will encourage your friends and associates to discuss their needs with me.

With every customer opportunity, my goal is to create a friend and client for life.

I look forward to working with you and becoming your "guy"



