When to listen to your gut (and when it's not really your gut)
áine Morgan
Coach for professional working Mums who want to feel more confident, have more impact and stop second guessing themselves and Host of the Fearless Conversations Podcast
My “gut” told me that I failed every single exam I ever did.
“No, really”?my “gut” would insist.
“I know you didn’t fail any until now and you always think this but this time you really?did?fail so just get yourself mentally prepared for that'
?I never failed an exam.?
My 'gut' -so compelling sounding and credible was wrong.
What we call our?'gut?instinct'?isn’t?always right.?
But - and here's where it gets tricky. The problem isn't with our instinct or what we call our gut feeling - this in fact ALWAYS right.
The problem is that we receive what it is our?gut?is telling us through our minds - through the lens of how we think which is borne of our life experience and conditioning.
What we think is our?gut?is often default socialized thinking that we’ve thought so many times it feels true - it feels like an actual reliable knowing even when it’s nothing of the sort.
But our inner, truest knowing - it IS always right.
I, like many people, found exams incredibly anxiety provoking. My real gut was telling me:
'Love, that was a lot for you. It's not as important as you think it is. This exam result - it isn't who you are'.
I couldn't hear this.
I thought I was supposed to do well in exams and if I hadn't, who the flip was I??
When I decided to become a coach at a time when I was absolutely loving my job because of how I'd changed things after having been coach, my?gut?told me it was the right thing to do.
It didn't make much sense at all. And yet, it just made 100% perfect sense.
I'd no plans to become a life coach, and yet, it was inevitable that I would. It all happened just from following my?gut.
What’s the difference and how do you know when to listen to?your?gut?
The emotion created by the “knowing”?your?gut?sends you.
You’ll know it when you check in with?your?body.
Every single time.
Here’s how it feels for me. It may feel similar to you or different but it will definitely be consistent.
Fluttery, anxious, self doubtful, forboding feeling (for me it appears above?your?boobs). Probably a default ruminatory pattern - conditioning and not your gut. This is how I would have felt after an exam I'd a?gut?feeling I definitely failed. Top of my chest and into my throat. I can feel this feeling on recall now even as I type this to you.
Solid and steady (for me this feeling is in the bottom of my belly)?
Probably something worth paying some attention to and closest to an actual solid?gut?knowing or intuition. This is how I felt with those career decisions that took me here, a solid solar plexus type feeling, Steady and not fluttery. This is my body's best GO sign.
When we work together, we work on the level of?your?thoughts and?your?feelings so that you can develop a stronger sense of certainty about what it is you know and don't know: what you're open to knowing for yourself and what you still don't.
?Your?gut?/ intuition / inner guidance is absolutely something you have to guide you but without managing emotion in?your?body, the guidance is off.?I walk through this with my clients so that they know how to do it for themselves.
How to work with me.
I work with clients 1 to 1 on Zoom, and also in my small group programme - Fearless Conversations, the programme.
DM me on here to find out when Fearless Conversations, the programme is enrolling next or to find out more about private coaching.