When Life hits Hard, learn to let go!
Mehnaz Amjad
I Coach Mid-Level Professionals, Conquer Self-Doubt, Overcome Burnout & Gain Career Clarity.
Every time I coach a new individual, I learn a lot from the person and our work together, but one thing that has always stood out is the common, very common issue most of us are dealing with.
That is --- Things that hold us back.
Because --- While it is easier said than done, in practice, it is very difficult to Let Go!
We experience loss, a relationship ends, a good friend moves to a new location, we take up a new job and roles, our children grow up fast, and our parents age faster, and we, in between ages along with all of them, with our share of constant adjustments as with time we move into one circle and come out of another.
Life is a balance between holding on and letting go.- Rumi
Each one of us, at our own pace, is playing this game every day, balancing the holding on and letting go. And then there are moments in time, both at the office or back home, that can hold us back to such an extent that we long forget to play it well and eventually end up enmeshed in emotions and feelings all stuffed and hidden deep inside us.
But since emotions have a power of their own, they can be suppressed, but not for too long; this is the very reason you may find yourself filled with rage, a deep sense of unfairness, loss of control, and helplessness when you find yourself challenged and in a space struggling to deal with office politics.
I've been in this space for the longest in my life, only to realise the root of my deep wounds and beliefs of unfairness, injustice, and dirty power games of office were nestled in my own holding back of a lot of unprocessed emotions.
Only when I learnt to process my emotions the right way did a profound shift transform in my inner self, not only opening me up to the core of the self I was but also offering me insights on where my strength lies and what my blind and weak spots are.
I started this work with this concept and practice of - Learning to Let Go.
Today, I offer this in a simple 5-day email course so that the concept can be understood in the right context and also be practically applied to your life so that you find the change I found and equally benefit from it.
This was also the point at which my ability to deal with office politics totally shifted, paving the way for new roadmaps of success and career growth.
If I can, so can you.
Here's how you can enrol in the course: click here
Thank you for your time and attention.
? Mehnaz Amjad 2017-2025
Mehnaz Amjad | Coach Hyderabad, India
PS : Check out the entire resource page with a lot more besides this course.
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