When life is a highway: RV protection means peace of mind
Anders Nielsen | Unsplash

When life is a highway: RV protection means peace of mind

It was on the Trans-Canada Highway just outside Thunder Bay that Gina and Rick experienced the first hiccup in their much-anticipated trip from Ontario to BC. Seasoned RVers (they’d been RVing for years as a way to travel economically with their kids), they had almost reached the campsite that evening when it happened.

A huge rock kicked up by a semi ahead of them bounced off their windshield. The chip it left behind not only threatened to quickly snake into a long crack, but also drive the couple crazy simply by sitting smack in the middle of their panoramic view for the entire three-week trip.

Thirty minutes later they experienced hiccup #2: As they pulled into their wooded spot in the darkening campground, they had a run-in with a recently fallen tree branch. Before even surveying the damage, they knew by the loud scraping on the RV’s exterior that it was going to leave a mark.

The next day Rick discovered that the extra set of keys he always kept in his knapsack weren’t there. He would have to get a new set: Not having spare keys for a cross-country trip like this was out of the question.

Stuff happens, vacation or not. On this trip, Gina and Rick were grateful for the decision they’d made several years back to purchase RV appearance protection.

The sizeable investment in RVs and the time spent in them makes it all the more important to protect their appearance and extend their lifespan.

“I’m a worrier,” says Gina, “and I work too hard for my vacation to be constantly wondering what might go wrong and how we’ll cope with it. I consider it part of the cost of the trip. The worry just isn’t worth it.”

Their coverage meant that the work on their windshield (it ended up being replaced) would be covered. They actually were able to call ahead and book an appointment at a shop in Calgary. When they arrived three days later, the new windshield was ready and waiting.

Their plan also covered the repair of the scrape from the branch, which they later fixed once back home in Ottawa.

The key replacement was covered too. New keys were waiting for them at an RV dealership in Burnaby.?

What’s covered

The sizeable investment in RVs and the time spent in them makes it all the more important to protect their appearance and extend their lifespan. Appearance protection is available to customers any time during the life of the vehicle. Your Armour Group representative can provide details on our plan, which includes:

  • Windshield and exterior glass coverage
  • Tire and wheel coverage
  • Headlight/taillight/exterior light protection
  • Dent and ding protection
  • Interior protection
  • Awning arms and fabric coverage
  • Key/remote replacement
  • Roof top vents
  • Paint repair
  • Exterior decal coverage
  • Cosmetic wheel repair

The RV road-ready checklist

While year-round RVers tend to check and maintain their vehicles an on ongoing basis, for the majority of Canadian RV owners who are now pulling out their vehicles for the summer season, here’s a quick-hit maintenance checklist:

  • Check seals
  • Inspect propane tanks
  • Test all safety equipment
  • Service brakes
  • Tune up heating and cooling systems
  • Check and rotate your tires
  • Inspect engine belts and hoses
  • Check and/or change smoke detector and carbon monoxide detector batteries
  • Note all findings and dates in your maintenance log (if you don’t have one, start one)

All vehicles need regular TLC, but care and protection of RVs is especially important because (a) they’re your house on wheels while you’re in them, and (b) they tend to go into places you wouldn’t take a car—like the woods where Gina and Rick encountered the tree branch. ?

As Gina noted, vacation time is precious, and an unplanned obstacle can put a serious dent in the best laid plans. RV protection doesn’t guarantee a perfect trip, but it can take a load of worry off your mind.

Please feel free to share our road-ready checklist on social, and if you find this article useful, please like, comment, and share! We’re happy to answer your questions about our RV appearance protection or any other products. Please reach out any time.


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