Parenting in smart connected modern society
Importance of families as a source of unconditional love and wisdom
Long lasting relationships and probably happiness as well stem from relationships that are based on unconditional love, unbiased wisdom and unlimited giving and sacrifices. In reality, those are things that only parents can offer to their own children.
The collision between individual liberty and parenting rights
It becomes very distressing and painful when liberty and self-determination of a child are encouraged, defined and practiced through the child being rebellious towards his or her parents.
A question arises, how many institutions exist in America today including courts, schools, universities, state and county social services, etc. which receive massive amount of funding and power, all under umbrella of empowering and liberating individuals. While truth might be that some of those institutions act methodically and systematically by to break the bonding between parents and their children. Specifically, through a process that systemically encourage and train children to disregard and rebel against values and principles originating from parents during childhood including appreciating having parents and appreciating all of parent's devotion and sacrifices.
The need for institutions to empower parents and protect families
Now compare the number of institutions and amount of funding that goes into the direction of dissolution versus those that exist to empower parents and enforce bondings within families either between parents themselves or between parents and their children. Such comparison would lead us to realize how easy it is for families to be dissolved versus how hard it is to keep relationships within a family healthy, active and intact.
It is hard to consider this as part of a healthy melting bot. That is apparently more of process for liquidation and dissolution of families through marginalization of parents to the extent that individualism is the norm all the time.
It is ironic to take a look at the number of institutions that exists to moderate, facilitate and promote dissolution of families. It is enough to look at cases presented to family courts in America and all processes put in place to monitor and punish parents if someone is suspecting or doubting some wrongdoing by parents even when all of that is pure delusions.
Parents ought to be trusted and empowered not marginalized and sidelined
We as a society have to trust parents natural instinct, sincerity and ability to raise their children. It is very rare to see any acknowledgement of parent's efforts as a reason for a person success. It is mostly attributed to the individual himself or herself.
The media plays a critical role here as well. For instance, most popular situations gaining the public attention and appreciation are for a famous successful person who was raised by a single parent, mostly a single mother. Are parents in America and specifically men failing to play their role as such? I do not personally think so. It is certainly true that we ought to honour and celebrate single mothers efforts, devotion and success but what about honoring parents in a traditional normal family setup comprising a father and a mother?
The evolving anti-parenting doctrine
It does sound clearly that a new doctrine has established itself deeply in America over the past fifty years or so through which biological parenting is disregarded and thought off as being a form of backward thinking or belong to the non-civilized era of human life on earth. Such doctrine exhibits itself in a variety of methods, processes, laws, regulations, etc. Some are institutionalized and others are becoming like a social religion to be strictly followed.
Parents needs to take responsibilities and act accordingly
We need a serious wake up call to alarm parents so they may realize the true importance of parenthood in raising children and shaping their lives. We also need more attention from political, lawmakers and social leaders to put a process in place that values parenting whether a child is under or above 18 while helping, honouring and rewarding parents for their efforts and sacrifices.
Throughout life of humanity, there has been a tension and even rejection between generations which is probably a natural process of evolution that has and continue to benefit humanity greatly. But, some societies follow that while respecting and honoring role of ancestors, and parents within societies while other societies put less emphasis on that or facilitate the dissolution of families or liberation of all values and principles originating from parents.
Attachment between parenting and religion
The debate has a strong religious angle as well as in every religion parenting is considering a holly relationship and one of God's blessings, creation and miracles. SO, as people continue to leaves and abandon religion in the modern era they drop many other things associated with it including attachment to parents, siblings and the family. As funny or maybe in realty as painful as it gets we do not witness such changes taking place within the animal kingdom where role of parents continue to be practiced as is without any change in individual or social behaviors.
The true definition of parenting
Parenting is not only about providing children with food, shelter and money or being able to buy an iPhone, an Apple Watch, an iPad or a smart digital gadget for the child. But, more importantly parenting is about:
- Unconditional love, mercy and kindness.
- Sharing, caring, playing, learning and nurturing.
- Harmony, trust, attachment, empathy, comfort and peace.
- Discipline, faith, honesty, service and integrity.
- Sharing good moments with our children, and be with them when things go wrong direction.
- Protecting children, teaching them good values, and training them solid skills needed to succeed in life.
- Shaping children's emotions and thoughts holistically in a very positive and constructive manner.
Never give up your responsibility as a parent
Parents in America should never accept to be marginalized nor submit to any doctrine or to a certain agenda that pushes them aside and substitute their role with a fragile synthetic system where love, mercy and kindness will always be missing and gone.
There should be a process in place to help dysfunctional families to get back on track rather than opting into dissolution of families as an easy exist solution.
From a psychological standpoint, the pain and trauma associated with such dissolution of families is very deep. t is also widespread, witnessed and seen everywhere. Just take a look at the old couple living around you and see how they live in isolation without much attention or ties with their children. It certainly breaking one's heart as I walk around and interact with older couples living around us.
The debate needs to continue
I think such debate needs to continue and am here throwing in some specific observations while realizing am not a sociologist but rather an intelligent member of a modern smart society that is changing so rapidly probably without paying sufficient attention to how families are being broken and dissolved from within nowadays.
The intense need for parenting in the evolving digital society
As children become more obsessed and deeply attached to social media, the role of parenting becomes further important and critical. This deserves by itself a much longer article but sufficient to state that social media is full of inappropriate unfiltered and unmoderated content to the extent that such exposure becomes more dangerous rom social standpoint than being addicted to recreational drugs.
It is heartbreaking to realize how parents and guardians are constantly monitored and reported under any suspicion of misbehaving while as social media is full of such damaging content without anyone carrying any liability.
The risk and danger of unfiltered social media
It is sufficient to realize how social media is used today at Middle and High School including:
- Promotion, distribution and sale of illegal drugs,
- Conducting illegal sexual activities,
- Harassing and bullying on other children.
All of that is conducted without much monitoring by adults or any sense of accountability or penalty. As if, we are giving our children to whoever creates such content and trends on social media. How many families got terrorized and lost their children to such damaging online media activities?
More serious questions need to be asked
- Why do not we have a system similar to the mandated reporters process to report damaging digital content and activities?
- Why are responses and the investigative cycle very slow and ineffective?
- Why schools remain mostly silent despite epidemic increase of illegal drugs consumption and unlawful sexual activities?
- Why are law makers, regulators and the judiciary system so blind?
- Why media remains silent and unfocused on such core social issues?
- Have religious and social institutions given it all up to social media?
Once again, the debate continues and more thoughts to be followed.
#america #happiness #children #parents #institutions #liberty #power