When to Learn, When to Earn
Adrian Brambila
My new book is out! Start Thinking Rich grab a copy wherever you buy books!
For the first time in since I started this online entrepreneurship journey I am not trying to go all out. I’m operating at the slowest pace I’ve ever had so far in 2024.
I hit a point yesterday with all this free time and exploration that I am doing with myself that made me anxious for a brief moment that I could be doing all these things to grow and be better but it went away.
The habits that have allowed me to find my place of success are the habits now that I am trying to break from. I’m trying to clear my mind. Empty the ‘junk box’ email folder of my mind.
I’ve never done this or even attempted to not launch or do something new before. It’s refreshing to have the capacity to truly think.
In my past prayers one of the things I have commonly prayed for is ‘to be able to focus on the now and be in the moment.
It’s now been over a month away from home and I feel like I don’t need to pray for that anymore. I have it.
But now that I have this clear mind and thinking capacity… I think it’s time to start planning for the future.
To have all this thinking power and nothing to aim it at seems like a missed opportunity haha! One thing remains true - if your mind is cluttered it makes it harder to think.?
No matter what kind of business pursuits I have in the future I will make space for myself to think and meditate every day when I get back home to Austin, TX.
- Adrian
90 Day Scholarship Update:
Speaking of people who have managed to clear the clutter in their minds to take action:
When to Learn, When to Earn
When I first started learning how to make money online to a fault I would put things I learned into action. I think I’m not your average internet side hustler in that regard.
I don’t know if it is the way I was raised in a Mexican house hold but I feel lazy if I don’t work everyday. At the beginning of learning how to make money online there is A lot to learn… in fact so much that you could spend a whole year just learning how to make money online without actually doing any work to make money online.
I try to lay out all my programs whether it’s the 90 Day Scholarship Program, The Brambila Method, Smart Affiliate Business or others that have action required after each section.
The people the fail from my courses usually have these 2 things in common.
Binge watching is something you can only successfully do on Netflix. When it comes to making money online you have to watch and implement together.
If you are unclear on the HOW of making money online then it’s time to spend time learning the HOW.
If you know HOW to make money online then you need to STOP learning and execute.
The reality is that people underestimate the time or level of effort required to execute any strategy online.
As they begin their journey challenges such as imposter syndrome (where you feel like you are not adequate enough to do the strategy although that is 99% not true) or immediate gratification syndrome (where you try something with minimal effort or after a short period like a month get frustrated at the lack of results when in reality you should be long term oriented) or shiny object syndrome (where you keep seeing other ways to make money that constantly distract you from execution of work.
Have you experienced any of these before? I have! There are times when you need to learn and times when you need to earn.
Get clear on what you are missing and follow the steps.
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