“When was the last time you rewarded yourself after an achievement at work and how did you do it?"
Eleni Tavla
Client Relationship Professional, Senior Recruiter, MA, MBA, PhD in Counseling Psychology.
I suppose each one of us has a number of goals, ambitions, dreams of success. Every one of us thinks about success in our own way, and this is great! Having ambitions, goals, targets so as to achieve fulfillment, both in our personal and professional areas is our motive to act, proceed and risk! This is a natural talent we all have as humans!
Now, think of the below:
“How do I usually reward myself after an achievement at work?”
“How regularly do I thank and show respect to myself for being what I am and doing what I do?”
“Am I the coach of my own self?”
At this point, some of us may realize that we usually tend to expect reward and acknowledgment from others and this is natural. Still, it is rather important to show respect to ourselves, our goals, our success and achievements.
I urge you to show your appreciation to YOU, and learn doing this on a weekly or daily basis.
Coach yourself to give the best reward to YOU for all that you are doing, schedule and confirm that you do it on a regular basis! It is one TARGET and it will certainly benefit YOU!