When is the last time you read a book?
Let’s time travel here for a second and reflect back on the days when we were in school. For some of us, it may not be that long ago. For others, it may feel like, and be, forever ago. One thing we can probably all remember is that there was not a day that went by when reading was not involved. Maybe you have children now and are constantly encouraging them to read instead of spending time on Tik Tok or video games but do you remember the last time you picked up a book??
It is crazy how something that used to happen daily is so foreign to a lot of us now. We tend to be “too busy” or “too tired” to invest the time in ourselves to read a few pages. Why is it that we encourage our child(ren) to step away from the screens but we do not do the same? According to Pew Research Center, twenty-six percent of American adults have not read even part of a book within the past year. If you fall within that twenty-six percent, it is time to change that. I am offering the book my wife, Samantha Rossin, and I wrote for FREE - you just cover the shipping and handling. The book is called The Road to Success: How to Achieve Success in Business, Life, and Love. Samantha and I are extremely vulnerable as we share the obstacles encountered as we travel the road to success. It truly is one that can be read by anyone and everyone.?
Aside from reading being a way to take time for yourself, it has so many other benefits. Yale Researchers, who studied over three thousand people older than fifty, discovered that those who read for thirty minutes daily lived an average of twenty-three months longer. Yes, you read that right - twenty-three months - almost two years. How can something that takes two percent of your day increase your lifespan by almost two years? It is because of the cognitive engagement that reading requires and stimulates. From increasing vocabulary to helping with concentration, reading provides an extensive list of benefits.?
I read every day. Just like with anything, you have to pick your priorities and just do it. It takes an average of sixty-six days for a habit to form. If you sign-up to receive the free book, a sixteen-week roadmap will be included. To stay on track, you just have to read ONE chapter each week. The book is a little over two hundred and fifty pages so an average of sixteen pages a week. As I said, it all falls in where your priorities are. If you still think you are “too busy” to read one chapter a week, start taking note of the time spent scrolling on social media. If you are an iPhone owner, head to your Settings then click Screen Time to see a breakdown of time spent on your phone. It may be a rude awakening but at least now you are aware and can make adjustments from here.?
I do not care if you choose to read the book I am offering for free or the one sitting on your nightstand collecting dust, I just want you to start. There is a reason why the most successful people read, along with many of them writing their own books. Reading should be a priority in your life and now is the time to make it one.
P.S. Click?HERE to receive?The Road to Success: How to Achieve Success in Business, Life, and Love
DESMARAIS, C., 2022. Why Reading Books Should Be Your Priority, According to Science. [online] Inc.com. Available at: <https://www.inc.com/christina-desmarais/why-reading-books-should-be-your-priority-according-to-science.html>