When was the last time you did something for the first time?

When was the last time you did something for the first time?

Looks like some sort of essay question doesn't it. It's actually a very simple question, however answering it is often difficult. So, when was it? When was the last time YOU did something for the first time? While you are thinking of your answer, allow me to share mine. At the time of posting this article (September 14th 2018), my answer to this question is, this article. This is my first time not only posting an article on LinkedIn, but it is also my first time willingly writing an article on a topic of my choosing.

Now, back to you…what’s your answer? Your last holiday? A new activity or hobby? If you are struggling to come up with something it could be down to a number of things. Perhaps you very rarely try new things and live a very routine-based lifestyle or maybe you are indeed adventurous but cannot recall your latest adventure. Who knows. Only you do.

I first saw the title of this article handwritten on the noticeboard at a train station about two weeks ago. During the long commute I asked myself the question countless times and struggled to come up with an answer. I asked a few of my colleagues and associates and they too struggled with it. Most of them had similar responses… a long pause, a raised eyebrow, scratching of the scalp - it was as if I had asked them to solve a difficult riddle.

As humans we are naturally creatures of habit, most of us have some sort of routine - whether we know it or not. It is for this reason that so many find it hard to operate outside their comfort zone. I feel it is important to do things you wouldn't usually do, to take risks and embark on new adventures. I am not saying live like a daredevil, what I am saying is to simply... live. So many of us are fixated on earning a living that we have forgotten to have a life. It is my belief that we should all endeavour to learn and gain new experiences no matter where or when.

Too many live as though when they die they will be given a "restart" button - as if to say the life they are currently living is some sort of trial run. Earl Nightingale once said: "most people tiptoe their way through life, hoping to make it safely to death". I could not agree more with this statement. It refers to the fact that a lot of us have assumed a timid approach to life, too afraid to take risks and/or are unwilling to engage in new challenges.

In other words, most people exist, instead of live. Life is about living so get out there and live. Do not be contempt with simply having life, live. Meet new people, try new things, make new memories and experiences. Being engaged in new and varied activities is good both mentally and physically and can give you immense satisfaction. Below are a few suggestions to get you started:

  • Start reading (novels, newspapers, articles)
  • Read a new genre of book e.g. horror or self-development
  • Start writing (poetry, articles)
  • Listen or watch a video and/or podcast on a subject you know nothing about
  • Start a new hobby
  • Try a new restaurant
  • Order something different from the menu
  • Go somewhere you’ve never been before (a holiday or a new attraction in your city)

I challenge you to do/try at least three new things every week for a whole month - no matter how small. It could be trying a different flavoured coffee for the first time or visiting a new store in your area. Many of you may find this easy, if so I would encourage you to make it more challenging. So, what new thing will you be trying today, this week or this month? Hopefully you will have a lot more to say for the next time someone asks you when was the last time you did something for the first time? ?

Thank you for reading!

Great stuff! Full of insight, intelligence and wisdom.



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