When was the last time you asked your fellow neighbour/colleague if they were OK?

When was the last time you asked your fellow neighbour/colleague if they were OK?

We spend over a fifth of our time in the workplace. Have a look around… according to statistics; 1 in 4 people will experience a mental health problem and 80% of people suffering say that their families have been affected.

Anxiety disorders, post-traumatic stress, depression and phobias form the most prevalent disabilities in the world today and yet it is still so widely and desperately misunderstood.

Mental health disabilities can be debilitating, and without the right support, individuals, your colleague, friend, family member or neighbour, can feel isolated and trapped.

Imagine that feeling of being trapped and yet carrying out a day’s work, starting a day; exhausted, lost and carrying the weight on your shoulders… Imagine coming to work and it being your one place for solitude. For some people, that is the case; they feel overwhelmed, their mental resilience worn down and yet they still face the daily stresses and challenges in the workplace.

Today is World Mental Health Day. Please take a moment to think about the people in your community today.

You may not be able to take all of their worries away, but being aware of and understanding the early warning signs, you can help reduce that weight on their shoulders, help them get the support they need, reduce their loneliness and open their road to recovery.

Let’s take action. We all have mental health, and when it’s not in a good place, it’s important we feel able to talk about it at work.

So what will you do to support better Mental Health in your community?

MHA care about their residents, clients, members and employees and we want to highlight the utter importance of supporting and speaking about mental health.

#WorldMentalHealthDay #CALM #HeadsTogether #MentalHealthatWork #MentalHealth #LetstalkTogether

Credit to Sinead Robertson for contributing to the content of this post and helping to raise awareness of Mental Health in the Workplace at MHA.


