When Last Have You Prayed for Trump?
Dr. Godfrey E. McAllister, Ch.F.C., DTM, JP
Speaker, Trainer & Coach - John Maxwell Team | John Maxwell Team Certification
July 4 is the day on which Americans celebrate our independence. On this Independence day in 2018 hundreds and perhaps thousands of children have been captured, separated from their parents, and being indefinitely held captive like prisoners of war. This is being done on the orders of our President Donald Trump, and it is being done as part of a much larger political chess game move. The nation has voiced it outrage on this issue, and as such, there is no need for any additional outrage.
No one in the country seems to care any longer that our President has been conservatively described as consistently having a strained relationship with the truth. At the same time President Trump owes much of his political capital to the Church and to the evangelical community in particular.
Finally, Christians believe that President Donald Trump is unquestionably God’s will for America at this point in history. Is there any kind of correlation between all these true statements?
Sure there is. And for now I will provide only an introduction to the answer. Christians correctly understand that the God of the Universe is alive and personally interested and involved in the smallest details of our lives. Although he Bible book of Romans was written to Christians who were not living in a democracy, its fundamental teaching that civic authorities are ordained by God applies to us today. However the Christian’s obligation to participate in the democratic process does place a duty on the Christian to use the ballot, the lobby and the public address platforms to support any candidate, regardless of party who when measured against the standard of the Word of God, appears to be the best of the available candidates.
But that’s only the beginning of the Christian’s responsibilities. We are called upon to pray for our leaders. Our prayers must be that they will lend themselves to being lead by God’s Holy Spirit and the principles contained in is Word. But there’s more. The Christian is also required to respectfully speak truth to power – God’s truth.
I cannot know for sure how many Christians or what percentage of Christians are praying for our American leaders, and President Trump and his leadership team in particular. What is obvious is whether or not Christians are speaking God’s truth to President Trump’s power. What do you think?
Watch this Independence Day Video at https://wp.me/p8uV19-jD
Teacher at Jesus Alive Church
6 年Our NATION needs Prayer, Reveal the god of this world, artwork all around us. ?(Satan)