When JESUS is the center of our attention.

When Jesus Christ is the center of our attention, then He is our hearts desire. He becomes the affection of our hearts.
Now it doesn’t mean that believers do not have the desire to please the Lord. Many desire to please Him and thus strive to appease Him by works that they think will be acceptable to the Lord. But the thing is, the perspective of man is formed due to misunderstanding of the truth and embracing the doctrines of men that have placed the focus on man and not on God through Jesus Christ, therefore Jesus is not the center of attention, but man is. How is this true? Through precept and line the believer perceives that Jesus is the one to go to when in need for resolving of issues and circumstances. To con?rm this perspective, believers quote Matthew 7 vs.7 to con?rm this mindset, “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall ?nd; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.” Interpreted carnally, Jesus is the resolution to all problems, but This speaks not of the aspiration of man to gain resolve and outcome for his needs, circumstance and issues of life, but speaks of gaining the things of Gods kingdom through embracing His truth through faiths labor with the tokens he has sancti?ed for faith by the blood of Christ Jesus, whilst conforming to truth.
For its written, “But seek ye ?rst the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” (Matt 6 vs.33) Jesus Christ has to be the focus of our attention and then shall the Lord add unto the faithful all else, for the Lord takes into His care (mercy) those whom accept Him in His covenant and abide in Him. In Matt 6 vs 34, He says, “Take therefore no thought for the morrow; for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Suf?cent unto the day is the evil thereof.” The Lord knoweth what we need but ?rst we have to be obedient to Him and reciprocate faith and a willingness to be joined to Him by the terms He has set for salvation in covenant through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Jesus Christ is not the solution to man’s problems, but the remedy given by God for our salvation, He is the truth, the way and the light.
When Jesus is the center of our attention, the spiritual eyes are turned upward and He is kept in sight at all times as the obedient walk in His light, doing the things that please Him and join them to Him. Jesus covers the breach that exists between God and man due to sin through false knowledge.
When Jesus is the center of a believer’s attention, then there will be consistency through laboring with the knowledge of God, with the tokens of faiths expression remaining within the restrictions He has set. This labor begets trust in God, as He is faithful and righteous in all His ways.
When Jesus Christ is the center of our attention, then we receive His spiritual blessings, enter into His fullness and are sustained daily by grace to increase with virtue through fruit bearing, taking on His likeness and image, as we drink from the living waters that ? ow forth from Above.
By works of the ? esh, believers seek Gods approval and seek to appease Him through the traditions of men, that are initiated, designed and implemented by religious men (under inspiration of the prince of the air/anti-christ spirit/Satan: Eph 2:2) and followed by believers that attend these denominational churches in the hope of having an experience of faith by which they can know and feel that they walk in the way of the Lord, thinking they are experiencing the presence of the Lord


