When It’s A Priority We Always Find The Time
David Atkins
Keynote Motivational Speaker | "One Decision Away" #NoExcuses | Author | Retired Captain NY State Police | Million Dollar Direct Sales Earner | Podcaster | 1:1 Executive Coaching
6 days a week. 45 minutes a day for 13 weeks.
Are you kidding me?!
Who has time for that?!
That’s how long my workout program is that releases next week.
Truth be told that’s how I used to think and what I used to say.
But today it doesn’t matter if the workout is 90 minutes a day or 20 minutes a day I always find a time to get it done.
Why? Because it’s a necessity and priority for my life.
How? Let me explain.
We are all super busy right? Well what if your boss or your job needed you to stay an extra hour or work a double shift one day? What do you do? Do you say sorry and leave. No!!
You stay. Why? Because you have to. It’s your job. You can’t afford to say no.
Or let’s say your child gets sick one day and needs to go to the Doctor. Do you say I’m too busy and don’t have time to take them to the Doctor?
No! We always find the time and take them BECAUSE our kids are our PRIORITY.
We don’t say I’m too busy or don’t have enough time.
We ALWAYS find a way to get our priorities done in our life.
Well that’s how I approach my health and fitness.
I never wake up and wait and see what life throws at me and then decide if I have time to workout. If I did then I would never have time.
That’s backwards.
I schedule in exercise as if it’s a Doctor’s appts. It’s non- negotiable. Read that twice.
Here’s my point friends. You have enough time to do anything you want.
Build a business.
Have date night.
Etc etc.
But here’s the catch. It must be a priority.
If it is we ALWAYS find a way.
If it’s isn’t we find an excuse.
So here is to 6 days a week 45 minutes day starting next week to start. I just did the sample workout today and it was pretty epic.
Who is my trainer? Oh he is a badass NBA Strength and Conditioning Coach and has trained many celebrities. His name is Amoila Cesar and he is the real deal.
I’m ready to kick some ass starting next week.
It’s a priority.
It’s a necessity.
Therefore I find a way.