When Interview Hosts Are FUN!
An interview with Professor Delores Fisher and Ian P. Duckett
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It was a pleasant surprise to receive an email from John Lias, a wonderful host/interviewer, suggesting a mah-vel-ously fun romp with my presentation partner Ian P. Duckett: Pop Culture Mavin! The possible Who Con interview with Ian and me sounded really exciting When we got the final green light, it was a great excuse to enjoy COVID 19 conversations into early weekend mornings to prepare for the interview recording session.
We spent hours just sharing our perspectives and checking our facts about film, TV shows, music, fashion, and plain old "What happened today?" issues.When ZOOM filming Tardised around, we were ready for our conversational blast off into Delores and Ian land!
When it comes to Dr. Who . . .well, Ian and I love to talk time travel, interstellar dimensions, time warps, and alternate universe scenarios, identity fluidity, music, Dalaks, and Gallifrey with a pop culture Sci-fi lens and a little Afrofuturism flavah.
Thank you John for creating a fun, casual, "Let's just talk" interview experience..