When Inspiration Strikes
Richard Koch
Proficient in Modern Network Management. ESRI Utility Network, ArcGIS, Oracle, DER, DERMS, EV, Grid Planning, AutoCAD, 3D. What problem can I help you solve?
Thanks to a comment on one of Tonys' post and a small exchange with him. I bring you todays article. I know short of comments and the repost here and there I have been somewhat MIA. I will address all of that in a different post. As for today.. I want to tell you about "Bill" (name changed).
I met Bill at one of my first jobs the first day I was there. Nice enough fellow and all, but one of those people who just seemed a bit off. Not in a bad way just kind of quirky and odd. The morning progressed fine and by noon the foreman had located a large shady spot and we settled in to eat. People clumped up as they tend to do and me being new I did not yet have a clump to join so I picked a spot away from the other groups against a tree. A few moments after I sat down "Bill" approached and asked if he could join me. "Sure".
We began eating with nothing being said. Out of the blue clear sky Bill ask....
"So are you sane?" I looked at him a bit quizzically trying to figure out where this line of questioning is going. unsure I simply say.. "yes"....
Bill eyes me with a slight smile and then says.... "can you prove it?"
I stare at him blankly. I know he is going somewhere with this. Before I get much time to think on it. Bill produces his wallet, and pulls a paper. He explains that he had a break down and was institutionalized and after treatment was given this certificate which he shows me. Basically saying he is sane, no threat to himself or anyone else and clear to rejoin public society. He cracked a smile and says.. "so without one of these I suppose we will have to just take your word for it. but you seem like a nice enough fellow"..... did you catch that? Bill thinks I am a nice enough fellow? This taught me tons.
We all size one another up. Bill knew it. Bill was also aware of how other perceived him and took the initiative to get ahead of it. We became friends over my time at that job. We ate lunch together almost everyday when we could. I learned that he had people who loved and cared for him. That he had done to others what he had done to me that day with various results. I learned things about the work we did. Every so often I would ask him half joking if I was still on the sane side of things. Told him once that since he was credentialed I trusted his judgment. Got a good laugh and seemed to touch him a bit.
SO as Bill asked me I will ask all of you.. "Are you sane?... and can you prove it?"
Guess we will just have to take your word for it ??