When I was Young!
When I was Young, I was forced to read the Bible by the Catholic Church. First, by the Nuns in Grade school; and then by the Priests in High School. When I reached my College Years, I realized the influence this Book had on me. My majors were Psychology and theatre art, as I continued to reference the Bible several times in my studies. (Cain & Abel, Adam & Eve, Noah) and more specifically, the Life & Times of Christ. After Graduation, I explored the works of Great Writing (Shakespeare, Beckett, Dickens & Hammet) and discovered that the Bible had influenced their work also.
In my relentless uncovering of the corruption and deceit in this world, I wrote poetry and screenplays frequently referencing the epistles of Mathew, Mark, Luke and John. Although Christ was not a writer, per se, He influenced his Apostles in Words and deeds to shape the parables and miracles of His time. I continue, in my efforts, to parallel their Works with mine.
All 8 of my screenplays indirectly have references to the Bible. My latest, “An Act of Animals”, attempts to re-create these translations into Modern Time with addendum in Short-Story form, i.e. “The Life & Breadth of Christ” “Outlaw Jesus” and “The Final War”. Synopsis of my current screenplay was submitted to you in “The Pitch”. God Bless and Keep You Safe! Forever and Ever. Amen.
“Vengeance is mine!” sayeth the Lord.