When I thought working harder was the only way
Jonathan Hirst
An experienced marketing recruiter, member of the Wetherby Beer Festival Committee and dog handler for Pets as Therapy.
One of the posts that has resonated the most during lockdown was the one with this attached image. Absolute credit goes to @lizandmollie for creating it.
I am sure for many of us it has been a tough lockdown but there have been positives. The chance to take a break, go for a walk, look up at the sky and smile at the blue skies and sunshine. (Maybe the last bit is going a bit far!).
But clearly this resonated with people - 7000 views, 100's of reactions and plenty of comments. Perhaps if nothing else, many people have decided to jump off the hamster wheel that gets faster and faster and take stock of what really matters.
And also crucially, realise that just working harder doesn't actually make you more productive.
Hopefully you have found your balance. Be kind to yourself.