When I think about the state of this country and the world I am very concerned!
MS. Kathy S.Robinson, Turner
I enjoy working with children of all ages, individuals, and families to help them acquire skills they need, to improve their life struggles and to help them move forward to reach their goals.
America has become a place where if you are wealthy and anything but Black you can have everything. If you break the law you will get a shorter sentence or probation no matter what the charges are. You can hire a lawyer that will make sure that you don’t have to pay taxes. The poorest people and the middle class pay for everything that America wants and needs. Our politicians create laws that will make sure the wealthiest people have anything that they need to have a better life.
Well the time has come where this must end and “God” has said no longer will this be the case. This world was set up to make sure that the poorest people were to be taken care of and all others would be responsible to doing that. But as time goes on this has not been the case and we have moved away from his plan completely. America has decided to victimized the poor, disable, seniors, children, and mentally ill. Causing them to suffer, be unjustly accused of crimes or creating an environment where they feel the need to commit crimes to survive, arrested, abused, victimized, targeted and murdered constantly buy those that are to protect them. ?
This group is the largest numbers of unhoused, imprisoned, suffering from mental illness, receiving the lack of good health care, the worse education, are not given living wage jobs and anything else that could improve their lives. America has decided to make this their priority all over the country and do everything to make sure this is the way we live here.?
You may have noticed it is not working the so called wealthy are being victimized daily, attacked, targeted, their property burned down, the climate changing to destroy all that they have and their children dying from the drugs that they placed in our communities to destroy our lives and damage us. This is only the beginning of the changes that God has said “The greedy will become the needy and the meek will inherit the earth.”?
We are experiencing these changes and they will continue to get worst as time goes on because we have decided to value things, property, and our animals much more than people. This country has neglected to care for the severely suffering group of people that are in “CRISIS” and can’t get the support or help that they need to survive and thrive. This behavior has caused changes all over the world and God has realized that if America is forced to change the rest of the world can survive and thrive.? ?