When I Talk to Myself It's About You
You have a business, it has a web site and you need content. But because you’re busy you don’t always have time to create that content. But I do.
Oh really? This is how you’re taking aim? Geez, why don’t you just say “Give me your dough”?
Your web site is the front door to your business -- your one chance to make a first impression.
Wow. Did you create that? Next you’ll be using terms like “elevator pitch” and “emerging synergy”. How heavy is that bucket of cliches, anyways?
Regular and fresh content encourages repeat visits to your site, which increases your chance of building your business.
OK. Good point. We may give you a pass on that first paragraph, but the jury is still out.
I’ve been writing for more than 30 years. Newspapers. Magazines. Blogs. Marketing materials. And, of course, web content. This stuff seems like a small thing until you need it but don’t have the time.
Well, like, duh!
Why not add me to your team? Please visit my web site at https://wordsbyjimosterman.blogspot.com/ or email me at [email protected].
OK. You get points for brevity. Now scram. I need a nap.
[Jim Osterman is a freelance writer who occasionally talks to himself]